Electric Fences And Velociraptors

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Inside the emergency bunker, Valka and Fred had noticed the power hadn't come back on, and started to wonder what may have happened to Mr. Arnold.

"God, something went wrong..." Valka mumbled. "Something's happened... Something's wrong..."

"This is just a delay," John reassured her. "That's all it is. All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked."

"Yeah, but in Disneyland, the pirates of 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' don't come alive and try to kill the passengers." Fred said.

"I can't wait anymore." Valka sounded worried. "I'm gonna go get the power back on."

"You can't just stroll down the road, you know." Muldoon warned her.

"Don't be hasty... He's only been gone..." John then checked his wristwatch to see how much time Mr. Arnold had been gone and promised to come back.

"He's been gone way too long." Fred said.

Robert walked off over to a box. "I'm going with you." he told balls as he came to unlock a door to find equipment. Valka shined her flashlight for him to help him see what he was doing.

Robert took out a shotgun and began to load it. John found a paper and lay it out, deciding to show the others it to help them around the park so thwey would know where to go.

"Hopefully you two won't encounter any meat-eating dinosaurs on our way to there." Fred said.

"Now, this isn't going to be just like like switching on a kitchen light, but I think you can follow this and then talk you through it." John informed as he took out the blueprints.

Fred looked at he blueprints. "We'll do what we can on our end, and you do what you can."

Valka nodded firmly. "Right." She then saw walkie-talkies and collected a couple.

"But it ought to be me really going." John then said.

"No way, someone needs to keep Malcom company." Fred said.

Valka handed him a walkie-talkie.

"Come on, let's go." Robert told Valka.

"We can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back," Valka told john before they started to leave. "You just take us through this step-by-step. I'm on Channel 2."

"Right..." John mumbled.


Robert walked out the door first, wielding the rifle in his arms with Valka right behind him. The coast was clear so far and they moved out onto the ground as it was no longer stormy and so far it was quiet.

"Good thing the storm passed." Valka said.

The two came up to the broken fence, it was rather horrifying to see. Robert bent down and found footprints.

"Um, is that a footprint of a velociraptor?" Valka asked, scared.

"I feel it might be," Robert said, then looked out in front of them. "The shutdown must've turned off all the fences."

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