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This is gonna be a long 2 months. That is the only thing I've been thinking of the whole trip to the academy. When we get there I'm already in costume. Did I mention I fucking HATE orange.  

Both Ino and I enter the class room, only to be stared at. I elbow Ino signaling she goes first. 

"Uh....Hi! My names Ino Yamanaka! I'm gonna be the best female ninja EVER!" She exclaims, showing happiness yet since I know her as well I as I do, I can tell she wants to punch something as much as me.

"OK, what's the other ones name?" The teacher asks pulling me outa my thoughts. 

"Huh? Oh, my names Naruto Nam- I mean Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm gonna be HOKAGE one day. BELIEVE IT!" I yell giving the cheesiest smile I could and 2 thumbs up. Oh god no! Why the hell would I want to sit at that desk and ...

"Ok, well my names Iruka. You may sit in those 2 empty seats on the top row right above Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka says then continues the lesson. We get to our seats. 

*Naruto, do you really wanna be HOKAGE?* Ino asks in the mind room, we use this to communicate with each other. 

Hell No! Why the hell would I want to sit at that desk and do paperwork 24/7 with NO MISSIONS! It's like one of my worst nightmares! I reply. 

^Would you two stop! Your on a mission! Focus!^ Kaka butts in.

Oh, whatever! Is 'Tachi back yet? I ask in a happy/sarcastic tone. 

^NO! That's the 10th time you've asked that today, and he left yesterday!^ Kaka replies.     

Well excuse me for being worried about my boyfriend! He's usually back in like 2 hours! What if he doesn't come back? What if- I start but get cut off. 

*Naruto! Your gonna have a panic attack. Stop worrying, Itachi is fine!* Ino says and then we're both snapped outa our little conversation by Iruka.

"Naruto! Are you OK?" He asks me worried. 

"I told you you'd have a panic attack!" Ino exclaims while going into my pockets to get my shot. 

"OK Iruka cover his eyes and everyone else hold him down." She tells everyone does as their told.  

"Why are we doing this?" Some girl with pink hair asks. 

"Because he has like the biggest fear of needles. He will attack!" Ino replies.

They all hold me down and I have no idea what's happening until I feel the worst pinch in my arm. 

"Ow Ow Ow Ow OW! Ino get this needle outa me NOW!!" I yell. OK, so I might hate needles a lot. I'm trying my hardest to get everyone off me but then I remember that I have to be a weakling, for the next 2 months.

"I'm sorry Naruto but you need this. Almost done.......done!" She replies and pulls the needle outa me. 

"OK you can let him go!" She yells and everyone lets go fast. I then slap her upside the head. 

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" She yells. 

"You know very well what it was for!" I reply happily with the biggest smile I could muster.

That was for the needle in my skin! I snap in the mind room. 

*Well, I'm sorry but you had an attack and I needed to give it to you!* She replies.   

Then once again we were snapped outa our little conversation. 

"What happened to him?" Iruka asks like he's never seen a level 7 panic attack. Yea, my panic attacks can be pretty strong. 

"He had a panic attack. He was panicking about something in his mind, and well the attack got the best of him. He has really strong ones! That was a level 7, if we woulda been just a second later it coulda been a level 8-10. I know all about it because we're besties!" Ino replies.

Just as I was about to say something Jiji came in holding a bag. 

"Iruka, I forgot to give you this. These are vials for each level of Naruto's panic attacks. Ino will be able to tell you which level he has. And also, Iruka, may I talk to you outside?" Jiji explains/asks. 

"Uh....of course my lord." He replies. And thy both step outside.

"Oh my! Are you ok?"

"Are you hurt?"

"How did they start?"

"Why do you have them?"

"What on earth would make you have one?"

The minute they leave I have like thousands of questions being thrown at me. 

"Hey! Stop it will ya? Your gonna make him have another! So, just don't ask any questions about it and he'll be fine." Ino says. 

Everyone nods and goes back to their seats except Sasuke. 

"I feel like I know you." Is all he says until he sits down. Then the pinkie comes back and starts talking to us. 

"Hey! My names Sakura Haruno! OMG! Sasuke-Kun is SO hot! Don'tca think? Did you hear? The entire Uchiha clan, except the main family was murdered! I hear that Itachi was on a date with someone and the parents were out on business, Sasuke-Kun was here at school when it happened." She wouldn't stop talking. 

Uh, yea he was on a date! With me! I scold in the mind room.    

*OMFG! She won't shut up!* Ino yells in our mind room.

She's giving away to much info! Oh how I would love to punch her, but I can't because I HAVE TO ACT LIKE AN BAKA! Oh, I wish 'Tachi was here, he'd calm me down... At this point I'm screaming in the mind room.

I fall asleep while Sakura was talking. 

--In dream--  

^Oh, Itachi's back, injured.....^ Kaka says. And I just freeze and so does Ino. 

Just then Iruka came back in. 

"Naruto and Ino are excused. Come back after classes are over and I wanna talk to you both." He says and he didn't have to say anything else because me and Ino were already out the door heading to the hospital.

When we get there I'm trying not to tear up. I'm trying to calm down and not have a panic attack. The nurse shows us to his room, and I almost just run in and cry. 

But I'm stronger then that, I only show real emotions with 'Tachi. 

"Thank you...." Ino says and we walk in Ino having my shot ready. We walk in slowly, Ino has the needle in her hand looking ready to shove it in my skin while I'm walking slowly my fingers lightly tracing whatever the touch.

When I get up to the bed I see he's in a coma. 

" 'T-Tachi?...." I ask scared then the pulse thing beeping come to a stop. My heart and head stop. 




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