my words...

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my words....

people aways asked why i never capitallized my words. i finally told them, my words, every i that i dot, every that i cross are meaningful, and are eant to be read as soft delicate words. not 'slander' capitallized to show 'posession' or 'ownership'. my words. they are too quietly thought, spoken and written by my own cramping hands to be capitallized because little jimmy wants to talk all about the new dog he 'owns'. my words. they deserve respect. i pour my heart and soul into everything that i write. my words deserve to be uncapitallized and rebellious againt the creeping and sinful monarch 'grammar' because my words have much more worth than uncoordinated amature words thrown on a at the page last minute. my words. they have much more worth as to be whispered than shouted furiously.

my words.

poems by mee (most may be depressing)Where stories live. Discover now