Ch.13 {Hidden Talents}

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Kura P.O.V

I felt someone lightly shaking my shoulder.  “Kura, we are here.”  Jason’s sweet voice whispered in my ear.

I can’t believe what I saw when I stepped out of the car.  It was a corner café, with a small ensemble of stringed instruments outside.  As we up to the glass doors, we were greeted by the small ensemble.  They were playing a slow romantic piece.  From what I could tell, it was a violin, viola, and a cello.  I let go of Jason’s hand, and walked up to the string musicians.  I just stood there; closing my eyes to take it the wonderful music. 

After a few minutes, the music no longer filled the air.  I opened my eyes, to see Jason talking to the musicians.  I was confused for a minute, what was Jason talking to them about.   Then I say the cello player smile and get up.  He looked like he was in his late thirties and had dirty blonde hair.  I was shocked when he handed Jason his cello.  I closer to find that the other musicians had left their instruments and gone into the café.  I just stared at Jason, trying to figure out what he was going to do, and then I heard it.

Beautiful music filled the air around Jason.  I couldn’t believe that he was creating it; it was like nothing I have ever heard before.  I stood there taking in the wonderful music that was swirling around me.  I looked over at Jason, seeing him with the cello, creating the music filling the air.  I looked around us, to see people in the street stopping to listen to Jason.  I also saw the cello player look upon Jason will amazement.  I looked back to my Jason, to see him deep in concentration.

After 5 minutes or so, I heard the music slow and come to is end.  Once the air was silent, I walked up to Jason.

“Where did you learn to play cello?”  I asked with curiosity plastering my face.

“Well, I got the music from the teacher at school, but I taught myself how to play.”  He said shyly.

I knew that this was the perfect time to show him that I play an instrument, too.  I had kept it from everyone, I didn’t even tell my parents.  The only one who knew was Mara.  I had to buy my instrument with 6 years’ worth of tips, but it was worth it.

I walked over the viola player and asked to use her instrument.  She looked me up and down, and then nodded.  She handed me her instrument, then stepped back.  I took the instrument in my hand, and looked at Jason and said, “You’re not the only one pretty boy.”  Then I started to play away. 

I started to play the only song I had memorized,Concerto 8 by Corelli, first-third movements.  I started to play, getting into my zone.  I closed my eyes and dug into the viola, getting that rich sound from it.  I played and played until I reached the end.  I didn’t want it to end, so I slowed and created a dramatic ending.  Once I had finished, I opened my eyes to find 30 some people crowding around.

My cheeks flushed, as i felt every pair of eyes on me.  It was completely silent, and then applause erupted throughout the crowd.  I felt my cheeks get even redder, so I handed the instrument back to its owner and ran back to Jason.  I towed him inside of the café, wanting to get away from the crowd.  I had almost forgot that I was supposed to here on a date with Jason.  I let go of his hand once we were seated.  I could feel his gaze on me, almost burning a hole through me.

“Where did you learn to play?”  He asked, trying to break the silence.

“I kind of taught myself.”  I said quietly.

“Wow, I never knew you played.  I can’t believe that you are that good and never told anyone.”  He said slightly angered. 

“Why are you angry at me?”  I asked.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”  He whispered to me.

“Well, I might ask you the same thing.  The reason I never told anyone is because one day I went to the orchestra director and he told me that I was not good enough to play in the orchestra.  He said that I wasn’t even worth of playing such an instrument.”  I whispered to myself.

“Well, he must be on something because what I just heard out there was amazing.”  I thought I could see steam coming from Jason ears as he said it.  I cracked a smile at him and said, “Well pretty boy, you’re not so bad yourself.  Maybe we should play together some time.”

“Yea, I think that I would like that.”  He said smiling.

“So pretty boy, are we going to order anything or just sit here and talk?” I said with a smile.

“Are you going to keep calling me ‘pretty boy’?”  Jason asked.  I chuckled lightly and said, “Well, I guess you are going wait and see.”

Jason P.O.V

After we left the café, we headed back to the hotel.  All the way back, it was completely silent.  I walked Kura up to her hotel room and looked at her.  Wow, was she beautiful.  I still can’t believe that she was all mine.

“I had a great time.  This was the best date I have ever been on.  Thank you.”  She said hugging me. 

I looked at her big chocolate eyes and said, “So did I.”  I leaned down, so I could reach her lips.  I leaned in and lightly kissed her on the lips.  It felt like electricity ran through us as soon as our lips touch.  It felt absolutely amazing.  She pulled away, trying to catch her breath.  She looked up at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.  I felt a smile spread across my face, too.

“Good night Jason.”  She said as she opened her door.

“Good night Kura.”  I said right before her door closed.  I walked across the hall, and opened my door.  Once inside, I leaned against the wall, and thought to myself, ‘man, do I love this girl!’


Hi readers!!  I just want to say thank you for reading my book so for! I am sorry that i have not updated lately, I have been doing so many things lately.  I promise to update really soon!  Thanks for reading!




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