Ch.17 {Loving Rescuer}

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Jason P.O.V

I found her; but then I saw him.  I saw him pasted out on top of her.  As I got closer, I saw her shirt halfway undone.  I saw the way her body laid limp on the cold, wet ground.  Anger consumed my body.  I grabbed the man’s legs and dragged him off Kura, careful not to break her anymore.  Once he was off of her, I could really see her.  I saw my Kura broken and bruised on the ground.  All because of this….this thing.  I moved my attention back to the man.  Just the thought of what did to Kura made my blood boil.  I was so angry, I was shaking.  Luckily, I had a person, I mean thing, to take it all out on.

I thought of a lovely way to give him a wake-up call.  I took his head and slammed it down into the concrete.  That defiantly woke him up.   Let’s just say that he said some not so beautiful words. 

“What the hell man.”  said the drunken creature.  You could see he was drunk by the way he couldn’t keep his words straight, and he smelt of beer.

“I thought I should wake you before I beat you to a bloody pulp.”  I said through my teeth. 

He looked up at me like he was going to tell me off, but then he stopped.  His eyes grew to the say of saucers when he saw me.  I probably looked like an escape prisoner from an insane asylum.  I was winded from running and probably red faced.  I was visibly shaking from the anger rapidly building inside of me.  I pulled the creatures head up and whispered in his ear, “What, cat got someone’s tongue?”  Before he had the chance to reply, I smashed is head into the ground again. 

The pathetic excuse of a man groaned once then when silent.  Hmm….I hope I didn’t kill him.  I thought to myself. That would definitely ruin my fun.  I leaned down next to his mouth to check to see if he was breathing.  Well, he was breathing.  I am not quite sure if that is a good thing or not. 

I stood there until I heard a whimper.  At first I thought it was the blob at my feet, but then realized it wasn’t.  I turned to see it was my Kura.  I raced over to my life.  If I didn’t have Kura, I didn’t have a life.  She was mine.

I was at her side in a split second.  I kneeled next to her only to hear silence. 

“Kura?”  I whispered quietly.  I lightly touched her arm, almost afraid if I touch her, she would break into thousands of little pieces.  She didn’t move or make a sound.  I looked at her, only to see bruises cover her face.  Even with the bluish-purple blotches, she was still more beautiful than any girl I have ever set my eyes on.

“Kura?!”  I repeated with worry and desperation filling it.  This time Kura did stir; only to be followed by a trail of whimpers.  I ran my hand down her cheek trying to sooth her.  It absolutely killed me inside to see her in such pain.  I wish that I could take the pain away from her. 

Once she calmed back down,  I whispered to her, “Kura, I know that you can’t hear me, but I love you.  I love you to the end of the universe and back.  I love you, Kura Caskty.”  I waited for a moment, in hope of a reply.  Then, I carefully picked her up in my arms, careful not to hurt her any more than she already is.  I looked down at her, and a single tear slid down my cheek.  I leaned my head down and kissed my Kura’s forhead.  When I pulled back, I saw something amazing.  I saw Kura mouth the words, ‘I love you’.


I am sorry that it took so long to  update, I had some writers block.  I know that this chapter was really short, but I promise that the next one will be longer.  I hope you guys like the chapter!!!


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