Chapter 6

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Demi's POV

"Did you just s-say you just had a ba-baby?"

"Our baby," I corrected.

His eyes widened in shock, "I- Oh my god you're bleeding!" he interrupted, pressing the nurse button frantically.

"Demi Lovato get back in your ro-" the door flew open and there my mom stood, panting heavily, "Oh my God Demi, I knew this was gonna happen!"

"Mom I'm fine," I reassured, fighting to keep my eyes open. I was losing too much blood and I knew it.

"You are not fine!" she screeched, pacing the room nervously.

"Demi honey keep your eyes open," Pattie instructed, seemingly the only person who wasn't freaking out.

"Mr. Bieber what's the proble-" Instantly the nurse called for a doctor and a few other nurses who brought in a gurney.

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me," I mumbled under my breath. We've have enough drama today already.

"We just have to stitch you back up," the doctor smiled, wheeling me out of the room.

"Okay," I sighed. After a few minutes I was back to normal, well as normal as a woman is after giving birth to a baby anyway. But I did have to sit in a wheelchair. My mom and Pattie wheeled me back into my room giving Pattie an opportunity to gush over her grandson who was being held by Jeremy.

"Where's Justin?"

"In his room waiting not so patiently for you to bring your son over," Jeremy chuckled, rolling his eyes. The mood had instantly lifted when news spread that Justin pulled through; though the Beliebers outside didn't know yet. I'd leave it to Justin to tell them that himself. Within seconds Selena was pushing me to Justin's room while I held Drew in my arms carefully.

"Special delivery!" she announced, taking Drew from me as I carefully climbed up on Justin's bed before handing him back and leaving us alone.

"Hi baby," Justin whispered, cradling a sleepy Drew in his arms, "You saved Daddy little man."

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