Suicidal! Student! Reader x Teacher! Crush : My Starlight

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(AN : Please read with caution as some teacher - student relationship is illegal in some places)


You strolled absentmindedly along the school halls. Its late in the evening, and most students, teachers and staff headed back home already.

'I planned this thoroughly,' you thought.
You tried to stay positive. You tried everything to get rid of the demonic voices in your head. You know what happens next?
You failed tremendously, their eyes were so cold, it hurts you. The weight of their expectations were so heavy, it kills you. You desperately need someone to save you, but of course that person never came.

So here you are. Your plan perfectly arranged, all in place.
You let out a broken chuckle. Decided to make your departure grand, you wanted to sing a suicide hymn whilst executing yourself.

Gathering the myriad suicide notes, you scattered those to the intended recipients with a sad smile plastered on your face. Tears brimmed on the edges of your eyes as you finally placed the last note on (T/N)'s table, your favorite teacher whom you are close with, and also whom you developed feelings to. Your feelings, it was always one sided. All the time. You sighed. Will this badluck ever cease?

Opening the creaky door of the school broadcast system, you sneaked silently into the barren, icy room. Taking the wireless microphone along with you, you started to sing as you speedwalked to the rooftop.
(AN : You seem to forgot that you had an appointment with (T/N), do ya? dayum.)

(T/N) was running frantically around the school. He was looking for you to discuss a particular important event. Somehow, he felt worried. You were never like this. You tend to arrive punctually on meetings with him.
Then his ears caught a faint singing, broadcasted throughout the school.
"La la la, la la la, humming a little tune as I climb up."
"Crap!" (T/N) cursed loudly as he realized that it is your voice, and that you sound like you're... Singing while crying?!
Millions of thoughts are jumbling in his mind. You were extra quiet lately, an opposite from the regular cheerful (Y/N).

He instantly sprinted to the rooftop, as the song lyrics suggests.

"I'm just gonna throw myself to the ever expanding sky, visible once I open this door."

"No!" (T/N) exclaimed loudly as he ran at the fastest speed he can muster. He noticed his vision getting blurred as tears glazed his stinging eyes.

"How is everybody going to feel as I plummet to the ground? Probably nothing." You resumed your singing.

"Well then, I'm going to -"
You got cut off as you heard someone's faint calling, screaming your name, followed by the word "Stop."
You halted for a second.
You muttered his name shakily, as you shook off the thought.
"Just another hallucination," you mumbled.
You inhaled deeply, getting ready to sing your last lines and jumping.
"As I'm-"
Suddenly, the door quite far behind you slammed open, revealing a disgruntled, panting figure.
"(Y/N)! Please! I beg you! Stop!" The person ahead of you let out a cry.


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