Suicidal! Student! Reader x Teacher! Crush : My Starlight

390 10 2

*Cough*same warnings applied*cough*


Recap :

Suddenly, the door quite far behind you slammed open, revealing a disgruntled, panting figure.

"(Y/N)! Please! I beg you! Stop!" The person ahead of you let out a cry.

"(Y/N)! Please, I beg you! Stop!"
The person ahead of you exclaimed.
You were speechless. It felt almost like something powerful had sealed your mouth tight, disabling you from uttering a single word. But still though, the eye speaks. The next second you know, you were sobbing frantically.

"What?! Will that serve any justice to you?"


"Will anybody even care? Huh?!"

Another dreadful silence.

"Nobody loves me! Nobody cares! I always fail! I had tried everything, everything in my power to try and make everything better! But regardless of my efforts, everything keeps on crumbling down, (T/N)! I am a burden to everyone! Everything will be far much better if I am gone!!"

Without a second thought, you immidiately took a running start, ignoring (T/N)'s screams and pleads.

You bolted as fast as you can to the rooftop edge, closing your burning eyes as you braced for the fall...

Unknowingly, (T/N) was already stretching his arms towards you as you ran, trying with all his might to stop you from falling into your death.

You began to surrender yourself to the inevitable pull of the earth, bending your body and preparing to fall, as two strong surprising arms wrapped around your frame, pulling you away from the drop and into a warm embrace.

"Let me go!" you let out a cracked shrill, sobbing. You squirmed around, trying to break free from his arms.

"No! I am never letting you go! You deserve to be loved! You are not worthless! You are not a burden! Alot of people loves you, you know. You still have alot to discover in this wide world (Y/N)! You deserve happiness!"

(T/N), cheeks now tear drenched said, while gently stroking your hair to calm you down.

"Do you.. Do you know that sometimes I just feel like quitting, and you, yoh are that one student that brightens up my day and makes me whole again?"
a gasp escapes your mouth.

"Listen. You may be only one person to the whole world, but you should know that you are the world to some others, and also that if you're gone, their lives will crumble."

He wipes your tears as he continues his sentence.
"You are my world too, (Y/N). I'll never, never forgive myself if you killed yourself. Ever." he cried some more as he held you tighter, and he whispered something really softly into your ear that you can barely hear, but somehow you are pretty sure that he said something resembling "I need you" or even "I love you". The sounds of your nonstop sobbing seems to sink it. But you just get that mild tugging feeling that it was it.

You were speechless. A wierd sensation of bliss and sadness overcomes your heart as (T/N)'s warmth envelopes you, his sweet scent lulling the exhausted you to the land of dreams.

A few minutes later, (T/N) realized that you were asleep as your breath evened out.

He carried you bridal style to the school medical room, tucking you in one of the beds.

He decided to write a letter before leaving to let you know. (AN : GUESS WHAT IT IS HUEHUEHUEH)

He "unconsciously" (AN : YEA YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT BY UNCONSCIOUSLY RIGHT) planted a small, light kiss on you forehead whilst looking at your serene sleeping face, and leaves the room peacefully while whispering something inaudible.

"I love you."

Guess you were right, after all.


And now I'm going to study for the test at shitville (read : school) tommorow.
Rip me I haven't study anything

Also thanks to SakoNeko for a little help on the storymaking

See ya on the next part!

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