The Little Witch's Ticklish Enchantment

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'Night 1 of Winter Solstice,
The moon is full and bright. The air is chilling, yet breathes life. Creatures down below dance like ghosts in the pale moonlight. The calls of wolves are soothing.

Tonight is the night I conduct my greatest enchantment yet! Invisibility. Tricky, I know, but all of the pieces are together now and the setting is optimal. The salve has been stirring over the fire for about two nights now. I followed the spellbook perfectly! If all goes well, I should be able to sneak into town completely unnoticed. I'll update later on my progress.


"Perfect," spoke Vivia softly, staring up in the night sky. "Just perfect." Vivia Ashland put away her notebook and quill and turned back from the canopy branch she stood upon to go back into her treetop home. Disowned by her family and village for experimenting with the mystic arts, the girl, only ten years old, escaped persecution to the dense woods of Wisteria, where natural energies were rumored to exist in abundance. Eight years had passed since Vivia established her new home in the heart of wilderness. During that time, the small girl studied extensively from her vast collection of spellbooks and potion manuals. She lived one with the flowers and beasts of the forest and remained so immaculately in love with every second of it.

"This is going to be amazing," said Vivia, giddily scurrying back to her small hut within the canopies. The setting was right at the precipice of magical efficiency, the perfect time to conduct her latest enchantment. The pale skinned witch had donned her most comfortable, versatile vestments for the evening, a black bustier cut off just beneath her breasts, a flowing purple dress, tattered and down to her knees, as well as two cloth straps that circled around her petite soles for comfort when running or climbing. Vivia had her blood red hair pulled back in a ponytail as to not have it interfere with her creation. Back inside, Vivia laid her delicate, yet experienced hands upon her spellbook and opened it. She turned back to the chapter involving enchantments, particularly enchantments involving clothing. Her large green eyes scanned the page, the words she had read and reread dozens of times before appeared muttering just outside of her tiny lips. "Yes, yes, and yes. I think it's ready!"

Vivia clapped her hands together out of glee. She had been preparing this spell for quite some time and wanted to make sure it would work flawlessly. In the past, Vivia did have problems with enchantments involving clothing. One spell, attached to a set of gloves and intended for longevity, resulted in her hair catching fire. Another, put on necklace and designed to improve her sight, concluded with only a frightening attraction with the Wisteria bear populus. Viva was far from being perfect at her craft, but every day was a learning process and she never gave up pursuing new and exciting endeavors.

Her most recent experiment with an enchantment that would have increased her hearing ten fold, put on a pair of undergarments, resulted in her most hated enchantment. The witch had put in just a little too much Nhea clove into the mixture. As soon as she put on the garment, she felt an explosive amount of tickles course through her. Vivia, being an extremely ticklish little witch, was trapped in a cage of her own laughter. The tickles happened all over, but marginally concentrated themselves at her belly, Vivia's most ticklish spot. It took the poor witch hours to finally work up the strength needed to slip the garment off and she hated every second of it.

Vivia lived alone inside of her nest of brush and branches. She knew of other practitioners of the mystic that fled their own oppressive societies for the safety of the dark woods. Though she often grew lonely and curious at what companionship would feel like, Vivia preferred the tranquility of solitude that helped her achieve complete concentration of her craft. When she first moved to the woods, Vivia spent a year training under the supervision of a coven of other wayward witches. It was there that she realized her biggest and most hated weakness: her overwhelming ticklishness. The other witches would gang up on her and attack her hypersensitive belly, reducing her to a useless mess of nervous hysteria. Sometimes, they would slip unnoticable tickle potions in with her water or put curses on her that would leave her giggling for hours. The coven was a powerful force, much more than she knew she could take on herself. They kept her as a pet used to extract their own mischievousness upon. The mistress of the coven, Madame Clyne, made the most use out of the poor witch's disposition. She would prop the girl up by an x-frame and punished her nightly by allowing her sisters freedom to put tickle spells all over her exposed tummy. After a year of the constant torment, Vivia worked up the courage to run away from the coven during the cover of night, taking with her as many of their spellbooks and potion recipes as she could to study on her own.

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