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Pic of Devin at the top.

Alexa's p.o.v
I can't believe I slept in ugh i have 45 minutes to get ready and get to this meeting. I cant believe you kept all last night worrying about not having a mate to cuddle Michaela you stupid horny wolf. Now im stuck in a rush to get ready. I hop in to the shower and wash my hair and body in 5 minutes and get out. That is the quickest i have ever showered in almost 21 years of my life. I quickyl dry iff put on a black crop top, and pair of black skinney jeans and then my combat boots. I also quickly put on some mascara and eyeliner and a little foundation. I then grab a random set of keys and head to the garage. I click my.key ands find out i grabbed my black range rover keys and hop in. I drive down the road and stop tolet Alec catch a ride since his bugati is having mechanical issues.  We make the drive and make it there with 10 minutes extra. What can i say i turned a thirty minute drive into a fifth teen minute ride. I go inside and a couple of men a glaring and giving me disgusted looks. I glare and them and a few whimper and bow their head in respect. Im am the baddest bitch around. I walk a little more until my nose picks up the most wonderful smeel. It smells of a woodsy musk, and a Hollister cologne smell. I turn around to find that the amazing smell belongs to a greek god/model. He has the most amazing body with tan skin and hes extremely muscular. He has black hair and the most beautiful greenish broen eyes. Im captivated by his beautiful eyes and my wolf is shouting over and over mate. I hear the sexy greek god growl and in three strides is in front of me. He grips my face roughly and growls mine and then his lips are on mine. Wowzer my mate is seriously wowzer his lips are so firm and soft at the same time. And man I am I in deep shit. He pulls back and i look up into his eyes which is considerably hard being hes like 6 foot four and im only 5 foot 6. We just stare at each other until I'm gulfed into a bear hug on thr ground. I look up to see that its my old best friend Devin and also my girl best friends mate. He rapidly stwrts stalking saying things like "Alexa, how are you it's been so long, what are you doing here. Shut up Devin and let go youre crushing my lungs you goober. sorry" he says slightly loosens his grip but doesnt let go. I hear my mate groeling and glaring at Devin which makes me smile." Its fine and to answer your questions I'm alpha of the crecent moon pack its my first time that ive been able to attend though. The past three years ive been dealing with power crazed rogues that in the end get put down. Damn girl i forgot your dad was the old alpha." I hear growling and look up to see my mate glaring holes into Devins head again. "Devin let go of my mate before i rip your arms off. Sorry Ryan i mean alpha." I walk over to my mate and wrap my arms around him so his name is Ryan damn that's hot. He growls and mutters the word mine. I smile and look at him. "I'm yours and your mine Ryan no one elses. Your mine Alex no man can look at you,  touch you, or think about you the way I do.

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