The "Sleep Over"

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     OH SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHHHHHIIIIIIT J.C. IS COMING OVER AND IM SOOOOOOO UN PREPARED FOR THIS OH GOD WHAT WILL I DO?!?! I screamed in my head... Okay okay everything will be okay your okay there's nothing to worry about right? It's not like he's staying the night or anything... right? I suddenly herd A knocking at my door

     "Who is it~?" I said with a OMG IS IT J.C.?! Thought running around in my head

     "It's the Pizza man... it's me J.C who else would it be... unless your... CHEATING ON ME!!! GASP!" J.C. said on the other side of the door

     "Did you just say... 'Gasp'?" I said with all confusion. "Yes, yes I did... is that a crime?" J.C. Said still on the other side of the door "Also can I come in? I'm freezing my ass off out here." I giggled at the sound of him saying that "Yeah the key is in a rock with play dough under it, slide the play dough over and get the key to unlock the door." I said as I run to a room were all of my... stuff is...

     As J.C. Comes into the house because he found the rock he walks into the room that I just exit.

     "Hay there cutie patutie what's on the other side of the door?" J.C. Says with a grin I look away nervously "U-um it's nothing that y-you would be interested in." "Oh... well can I take a look anyway because I'm like... SUPPER curious!" J.C. says reaching for the doorknob. I start to shake then under my OMFG NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO circumstance I grab his hand and take him to the living room like we're both Balora from Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location

     "Are you hungry I'll go make us some food you stay here and whatever you do DO NOT GO IN THAT ROOM!!!" I said with a slight smile afterwards

     "O-okay..." J.C. Says with a slight shiver

     I stop in my tracks and look over at the suitcase right by the door of the house.

     "Um... J.C.?" I say still looking at the suitcase "Yeah Linda?" J.C. Says "Um why is there a Suitcase by the door?" I ask when I look at J.C. With wide eyes "Well... um... you see... IM SPENDING THE NIGHT!!!" J.C. says

     As soon as he says that I run and hug him tightly... then I make a worried face


Authors note: Hay guys hope you enjoyed this chapter but don't worry there's more to come later... maybe later today or later tomorrow... IDK

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