All night long

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(Warning!!! Dark, Bloody, Gory, Gruesome content. Young viewers might be scared for life or even put through permanent shock so if your under the age of 10 do not read and skip to the next chapter thank you)

It's officially dark out and no one is here to bother me!!!

I run into the 'supply room' and lock it grabbing a knife.

I sit down against the wall and slide down it looking at the knife in my hands and cut the bottom part of my legs.

As blood starts to run down and stain my socks seeping through until it goes to my carpet also staining it with my dark blood.

I cut up my legs and my stomach going up to my arms.

The clothes I'm wearing are becoming stained with blood and my carpet even more stained.

As I start to cut my arms I start to cry as well thinking about why I was doing this in the first place.

Everything is full of blood and now tears as I walk to a dry part of my 'supply room' leaving my knife there. I pick up a chained blade and started to use that.

After I do that for about three minutes I go back to my original aria and start to cut my throat. Not to much because I don't want to die right away.

Later when it's almost morning I decided to go and take a shower. I turned the water on hot and burned my back then put the water on warm and took a shower.

I went to sleep after the shower then five hours later Jc wakes me up by calling me.

"Hello?" I ask "Hay, get ready we're going to pick you up soon okay?" Jc said "All right I'll get ready." I said getting out of bed and getting a bag ready.

I look at the plastic bag I got and looked at what was in it...


Oh no I have a bikini and I have cuts and burns on my back!!!

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