You Hang Out Part 2

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(Idk why I put this video in. Maybe because Tricerashot's a Dino? We'll never know...)
Tricerashot (you all just landed on Earth with the scavengers)

Your POV

Clawtrap was going on a mission and decided he was going to take me with him. None of us wanted to help the cons, but if we wanted to stay hidden from Starscream, we had no choice. We bridged a place known as the Grand Canyon. I looked around and marveled at the view before. If we're ever free from Starscream, I would love to explore and learn about this planet. "Y/n! Make yourself useful and power me up!" Clawtrap snapped. I rolled my (Y/e/c) optics, but complied and transformed into (W/o/c), flying into hand, er claw. We probably searched for two hours but we finally found a antique grenade launcher. It was worth millions. I leapt out of his claw and landed on my feet. "Did I say you could unlink with me?" He growled, stalking towards me. My optics widened and I began to back away before my back hit the wall behind me. He backhanded me, cutting deep on my cheek and hurt like crazy. I stood there, dazed from the blow, before he swung again and again. By the time he finally stopped, I was on my hands and knees, slowly bleeding out. I finally blacked out.

Time skip to when Clawtrap brings you back

I finally woke up back in the ship's med bay, hooked up to an energon drip with Windstrike tending to my wounds. "Y/n! You're awake!" I looked and saw Tricerashot run in, along with the others."What happened out there?" Aerobolt asked in concern. "Clawtrap happened. He had found the relic, so I assumed it was okay for me to unlink with him. He got upset with me so he attacked me." Tricerashot growled in anger while the others looked at me in shock, concern and pity. Soon afterwards the others left so I could rest, but Tricerashot insisted on staying incase I needed anything. I decided not to argue, I really liked spending time with him. So we talked with each other until I felt sleepy. He noticed and told me to get some rest. I nodded and gently closed my optics.

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