How You Meet Part 3

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Sawtooth (this is going to be during the episode "Strongarm's Big Score". Just a little heads up, these last "How You Meet's", you're a human)

Your POV

"Mount St. Hillary. Isn't this amazing?", Strongarm said as Fixit and I accompanied her. I shrugged. "I guess so." Fixit looked down at his tablet. Ugh, is he still doing those stupid scores? And the way how Strongarm just wanted to go mainly to boost her score is pathetic. Don't get me wrong, we're good friends and all but still...come on. Yeah, I'm not having the best day so far but I needed to get out of the scrapyard for once. I mean my little brother Rusty goes out more than me! Anyways, we pulled up to a boarded up doorway in the side of the dormant volcano. Fixit and I hopped out and Strongarm transformed. "This is the first Autobot base? It sounded much more impressive in Lieutanant Bumblebee's stories", Strongarm said. I sighed, this was gonna be a long day.

Time skip to Strongarm and Scatterspike fighting (I got lazy, you had wondered off and ran into them and went to find Fixit)

Strongarm's words still rang in my head. "If we don't shut off that drill, the volcano will erupt and take us and the human colony below us down with it!" That made me move in a full sprint as I finally found Fixit. There was a blue shark like minicon with bright blue optics fighting him. He was kinda cute...wait WHAT?! He's attacking Fixit and the first thing I think of is that he's cute? Whatever, I quickly got my Decepticon hunter out (Fixit made you a human sized one, Russell wasn't happy that he didn't get one though) and shifted it to (W/o/c) and knocked him off of Fixit. He quickly recovered and was about to attack when he looked at me. "A human? I didn't think there were any here", he said, confused by my presence and shocked by my strength. I just looked at him curiously. "Who are you? And why are you here?" He seemed taken aback by my question, but quickly composed himself. "Sawtooth. And you are?", he said politely. "Y/n", I said with a smile. "As for your second question, I'm only here because Scatterspike forced me to." I felt a pang guilt and sadness for him wash over me. "Then why do you work for her?" He sighed, "I have no choice." That made me feel even worse. I was about to say something else when all of a sudden the room began to shake. "Scrap."

Another time skip to when they're out of the volcano

I ran ahead of Strongarm and Fixit and tried to find Sawtooth. He seemed like he was a good guy, so why was he with a con? There was more to this, and I plan to find out. As I ran and turned a corner, I bumped into something metal and huge. I looked up with fearful eyes. "Well well, what do we have ere'?", Scatterspike said. I began to back away from her but I didn't get too far, as grabbed hold of tightly and lifted me off the ground. She looked at me and smirked. "Looks like this mission wasn't a total bust." That's when I saw Sawtooth. His optics widened. "What are you doing?! She isn't part of this!" he shouted, trying to help me. "If she's runnin' with the Autobots, then she's definitely worth something." And with that said, she called for a ground bridge and we all went back to the cons base.

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