Chapter 8

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Woo an update!

Btw sorry all my chapters start with waking up, that's just kind of how I write it.


July 28th, 2013 Wednesday

Song of the chapter: We Are Young by F.U.N

"So if the bar closes and you feel like falling down,

Ill carry you home tonight."

I hear my phone going off and I reach to grab it quickly so it stops blasting music.

"hullo?" I don't think whoever is on the phone can understand what I'm saying, considering the fact I just woke up.

"Hey! Is this Callie?" A really peppy girl said. After that I immediately knew who it was. Emily.

"Yup! It sure is, hey Emily." Now I had to be awake.

"Hiii, I was wondering what you were up to today?"

"Umm I actually don't thing I'm doing anything. Do you have anything in mind?"

"I do! Since school is starting in a week, would you want to go school shopping?"

"Yeah! I'd like that. Do you mind if I invite my brother and his friend?" As I said this I walked down the stairs to find Connor in the kitchen. When he noticed I was on the phone he gave me a really confused look but I shrugged it off meaning I'll tell him in a sec.

"Perfect! Do you want to meet up in an hour in the shopping center by Paradise Pizza?"

"Sounds great! See you then."

When hanging up with Emily, Connor asked "Who was that?" I explained to him how it was my friend Emily that I met at the mall yesterday and told him about the plan. Connor agreed to it and asked Jc if he wanted to come along with us. Jc also agreed.

I had roughly and hour to get in the shower, do hair, makeup, and pick out clothes. So much work. After getting out of the shower, I blow-dried my hair and then curled it. I did my makeup, now time to figure out what to wear. I picked out a purple tank from American Eagle and light washed shorts also from American Eagle. By the time I was done I had ten minutes to spare so I went and found Connor and Jc to see if they were ready. And they were.

We headed to the shopping center a little bit earlier just in case.

When we got there Emily was also just getting there. Perfect timing. I quickly waved hi to her and got out of the car.

"hey Emily!" I then pointed to Connor and Jc and introduced them to Emily.

"hellooo" she said back to us dragging out the o in hello.

We all hen decided to go into American Eagle, Hot topic, Top shot, and a couple other stores until Connor and Jc started to complain about too much shopping.

Just as we sat down in Paradise Pizza my phone went off and I realized I had a text from Dean. Oh boy.

Dean: Hey babe, sorry I never responded to your message yesterday I've been busy.

Me: Yeah I bet you have.

Dean: Is everything okay babe?

Me: Never call me "babe" again because whatever we had is over. (inserts picture of Dean and "cousin" holding hands)

Dean: Wait what how'd you get that?

Me: that's for me and only me to know. Bye Dean.

I then shut off my phone. I was pissed and Connor, Jc, and Emily could tell.

"Callie...Whats wrong?" Connor asked me.

"I kind of just broke up with Dean..." I said it with not much sadness in my voice, just quiet.

"What? Why? What happened?" Everyone asked all at the same time. It was almost creepy.

"Well, yesterday at the mall I caught him holding hands with his so called cousin" Everyone gave faces in disgust of what happened. I then quickly said "I'm not really that sad about it for some reason though. I guess it just wasn't meant to be."

Jc then said to me "I think in honor of you being now a single pringle like us we should go out and do something fun!" I really liked that idea. Everyone else also seemed to like the idea. While eating pizza we all shared fun ideas of what we should do.

After eating I came up with the idea of going to get frozen yogurt and then going to the beach. everyone liked the idea. although I couldn't tell if they were just agreeing with me to make me happy. either way I didn't really care.

Emily and I hopped into her car and Connor and Jc got into Jc's car. Emily wasn't to sure of the frozen yogurt place Jc mentioned so we had to follow him there.

When getting there it wasn't crowded at all. everyone had already knew what they were going to get so it was pretty quick getting our froyo. Since there was a beach that was in walking distance from the froyo place, we walked there.

Just when were getting there I can feel the sand already getting into my flip flops. most of the time it annoyed me but this time I actually loved it instead.

All of a sudden I stopped in my tracks. I could not believe what I was seeing. you could just hear the waves crashing onto the land. You could clearly see the horizon. and the sky. the sky was mesmerizing. there were so many colors, blue, pink, orange, yellow, and purple.

I had seen many pictures like this before from tumblr but I never thought that I would actually be seeing something like this with my own eyes. it was such a breathtaking view.

Finally when I finished being zoned out we all walked up to the water. we sat close enough to have the water hit our feet. it felt so nice.

None of us talked much. We stayed quiet most of the time. enjoying our frozen yogurt. enjoying our view. enjoying the fact we didn't have to worry about anything.

That's what I like best. I loved the fact all my worries were put to the side and everything was so peaceful and relaxing. I loved it.

About an hour or so later of just talking and laughing we all got pretty tired and decided to head home.

I had to ride with Connor and Jc this time cause Emily was going to go home. I gave her a hug and told her how much fun I had today. she also said she had a lot of fun and liked Connor and Jc a lot.

It didn't take too long to get home and when we did get home I ran up to my room and changed into sweats and a tank. then I heard a knock at the door. who could it be?

When I opened the door it was the one person I didn't expect to be there. Jc.

"Hey, c'mon in." I told him as I sat down patting the bed next to me so he could sit.

"Hi. sorry I don't mean to barge in or anything. I just wanted to make sure you really were okay about what happened with you and Dean." aw Jc was so sweet. I didn't know he cared about me. I kind of never really talk to him much. I guess I would have to change that.

"Yeah, I honestly am fine. it was just never meant to be and I should've figured that out."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. let me know if you ever need advice or whatever I'll he here."

"Thanks Jc, it means a lot that you came to see how I was." and that was true.

"Anytime, you're like my little sister to me. I don't want to keep you any longer so goodnight Callie." Before I could say goodnight back he gave me a peck on my cheek and shut the door on his way out.


All of a sudden I wake up to a loud bang and then it sounds like someone's tapping outside my window but then I realize it's a thunder storm. I look at the clock and it's only 4:30. ugh I was having a great sleep why does this have to wake me up.

I kind of hate thunder storms because they scare me just a bit. I only don't like them at night cause I can never fall asleep otherwise i'm fine with them if they happen when it's light outside. If I was back at home I would have already woken up and probably would have sprinted into Connors room. That wasn't going to work though because I have no idea which room is his...

I checked my phone to see if there were any messages and I had a couple from Josh, (my best friend from home) Ricky, and one from Connor asking if I was okay. I wasn't sure if I should go into his room or not because I feel a little childish if I do. Instead I texted Ricky asking if he was awake and he responded quickly saying to meet him in his room. I got up out of bed looked out the window and sure enough the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

While walking to Ricky's room I think I hear Jc yelling on the phone but I can't make out what exactly is happening so I just carry onto Ricky's room. When arriving at his door I knock quietly just incase anyone else is sleeping. He opens the door and is in just shorts and a tank top. It doesn't look like he slept at all.

"Welcome to mi casa" Ricky said while showing me his whole room.

"Haha thanks for letting me come in here. I never can fall asleep when there's thunder storms."

"No problem. I haven't gotten any sleep cause I was just editing a video for tomorrow."

"Oh cool, what's the video about?" I always love watching his videos because they're hilarious.

"You." He bluntly states.

"Wait did you say me?"

"Yep, the theme this week is changes/changing so why not talk about how there's a new girl living with us."

"Alrighty then, I can't wait to watch it." Which was true. Ricky sat back down in his computer chair and I sat on his bed and took out my phone.

"Have you been on twitter lately?" Ricky asked me.

"No not really, home come?"

"Just asking, you might have a ton of followers because I may have told everyone to follow you."

"Oh great, so a ton of random strangers are now following me?"

"Well when you put it that way...yes" Ricky chuckled. "So I never really got to ask you, how do you like it here?"

"Honestly I love it but I miss Colorado a lot because all my friends are back there."

"Yeah, it's always hard at first but school is starting in a couple of days and I bet everyone there will love you."

"Haha yeah maybe...hopefully"

"You'll have to let me help you pick out your outfit for the first day" That did make me think what I would wear. Maybe Ricky could help.

"Haha sure that sounds like a plan."

For the rest of the time during the storm we just talked about a bunch of random stuff and I told Ricky what had happened with Dean and everything. I also told him about Dexter the guy I met on kik who I've been talking to for the past few days. It was really nice telling Ricky everything because he took the place of Josh. I really enjoyed it. 


yay a longer update! haha I've been trying to make them a bit longer but it means if I make them longer i'll take longer to update.

I'll be gone the next two weeks probably because I have midterms :( hopefully i'll update after that.


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