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Florence woke up the next morning and let out a yawn. Her hair tangled and all over the place. The other three girls were still asleep.

Catalina's pastel purple hair was neatly pulled back and she slept peacefully. Meanwhile Florence's hair was all over the place.

Florence got up and retreated to the bathroom where she showered and got ready for the day. She tied her hair back in its usual tight ponytail. She stared in the mirror and wiggled her eyebrows. Giggling to herself, Florence left the bathroom and went to the Great Hall.

Once in the Great Hall she kept hearing things about the Quidditch Match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

While Florence has never witnessed a Quidditch match, she heard her mother talk about them. Allison told Florence she found no interest in them and didn't attend too many games. From the information Florence didn't know what to think of them.

"Right, so what even happens during these games?" Florence asked as the students crowded into the stands. Ben Kellner turned towards her with an astonished look splashed on his face.

"You don't know anything about Quidditch!" He cried as pushed up his glasses.

"Not really."

"Let me help." Ben jumped up and crammed his way in between Florence and Remus. He ran his hand through his dark hair, his brown eyes focused on the pitch in front of him.

"For positions you have your keeper, beaters, chasers—" Florence listened to Ben as he explained the game of Quidditch. Through the game Ben stayed next to Florence and explained.

"If you love Quidditch so much, why don't you play?" Florence asked him as the game ended with a Gryffindor victory.

"I always miss tryouts."

"Well, next year you and I both will make it to try outs."

"You want to try out?" Florence shrugged.

"I have flying lessons."

"You'll have to practice beforehand. You'll have to go against some of the best to be on the team."

"Trust me Kellner, I can do it."

"Can you?"

"I'll do whatever it takes. However, if I know I can't get on don't question me when some kids go missing." Ben laughed as Florence walked away to go find her other friends.

Ben began his way towards the Gryffindor tower when he saw the Ravenclaw with the honey colored hair. Butterflies flew inside of him as her loose curls bounced on her back.

"Ohhhh, Douglas!" He called.

"What do you want Ben?" She snapped once he approached. Her grey eyes stormy.

"Just wanted to say hello."

"And I'd like to tell you goodbye."

"Oh come on, just a little talk?"

"Bloody hell, what is wrong with you?" Ben turned towards Anna's friend. Her brown hair in a braid down her back while her blue eyes turned cold.

"Excuse me?"

"She doesn't like you, so bugger off!" Anna giggled as Ben stood there, defeated.

"She thinks she can get rid of me easily." Ben mumbled, a smirk on his face.

Some students were shocked at the sight they were seeing, while others didn't care. Florence was in the library lost in a book. A book about Quidditch.

Ever since the first Quidditch match Florence had attended every single game. Every time she heard someone mention the sport she'd jump in on the conversation.

Someone sat down next to Florence and let out a groan. Their head fell on the table and was hidden behind their hair.

"You alright there?" Florence asked. Catalina sat up and placed rested her head on her hand.

"He's so handsome."

"Who are you talking about?"

"A Ravenclaw boy."

"That's wonderful Cat." Catalina didn't glare at Florence.

"You must really like him if you don't get mad at me for calling you Cat." The young girl stuck her tongue out at Florence.

Someone grabbed the book from Florence.

"Quidditch? Do you plan on playing or something?" Sylvia laughed as she held the book.

"What do you want?" Catalina snapped.

"Nothing from you."

"Can you even read?" Florence asked Sylvia. She stared at Florence, blank faced, but clearly annoyed.

"Yes, I can read!" Sylvia slammed the book on the table. Florence didn't keep her glare off the older Slytherin.

"You think you'll be able to play Quidditch? Like you'd be any good! If I were you I'd keep to running."

With one last glare at the first years Sylvia walked out of the library.

"What a git." Catalina muttered.

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