Chapter 10

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Thanks for being so patient waiting for this. I've been really busy and I've been working on some other projects that you'll see soon. I hope you like this chapter! (Ps. I know Andrea wasn't supposed to be in the RV. I'm not a fake fan, but this is an alternate ending and I can do what I want cause I'm writing it so... yeah she's dead.)

Dales eyes opened, but they weren't his. They were cold and lifeless. He groaned and lifted his head up. Everyone had been through enough in one day, nobody even thought about disposing the bodies. And nobody thought to kill the walker-Dale until he was right by Lori, but by then it was too late. He was shot, but Andrea was right behind him.

She bit into Lori's hand and her scream pierced the air. Rick's pocketknife was in the side of Andrea's head, but the walkers just kept coming. Rick stabbed the two male walkers, and then let out a sob to Lori.

It might not have been a rational decision, but after all the screaming and crying, nobody hesitated when Lori yelled, "Cut it off! My hand!"

I couldn't bear to look, but I felt blood splatter on my face and I heard the thud of the long, silver knife hitting the table as Lori screamed even louder than before. Mom ran over and hugged me with tears in her eyes while Lori was crying on the floor with her face white. Rick ran over to her aid with towels, but she soon passed out, Carl right by her side.

"We could really use those doctors now," Rick whispered, holding Lori's hand while she laid peacefully on the floor. After a minute, everything that just happened slowly started to settle in my mind and I started crying again. Dale was dead, Andrea was dead, and Lori may has well have been dead.

And there was a pretty good chance I'd die. Soon.


The Grimes family and my mom and I were on our own since we got separated from the rest of the group at the farm. Rick took leadership and drove the RV, but I doubt that he knew where he was going. Lori woke up the day after she lost her hand, but she hasn't been getting better without proper medical treatment. I was able to stand up for a couple of minutes yesterday and I drank the water my mom gave me, but it killed me to see her cry every day.

"Do you still not know where we're going?" Carl would ask Rick every day.

He grunted and mumbled, "Away from there. Anywhere but there."

Carl subtly rolled his eyes and got back to reading some of the old, torn up books Dale was storing in his RV. There was really nothing better to do. When everyone was asleep, I whispered to my mom, "What's gonna happen? To us, I mean."

"I don't know, honey," she murmured, stroking my hair. "But I do know it's gonna be a long winter."

Sophia Peletier: Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now