"Hey, its what I do"

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I stare out the window. The view leaves me awestruck. The mountains so high, the tops are lost in the clouds. You promised me a surprise but I wasn't expecting anything like this. You've been driving for over an hour. I really can't express how amazed I am. I take a break from the view and look at you. Though you might be concentrated on driving you still have a huge smile on your face. I can't resist the urge the to kiss you on the cheek."Thank you so much for... everything. You're amazing," I say. I know it's not enough but for now it's all I've got. "Haven't your parents ever told you that it's dangerous to distract someone while they're driving?" you joke. "Oh shut up" I retort and punch you in the shoulder. "Oww, that hurt," you say. I just stick my tongue out in return. I didn't think this moment could get any better but then, before we know it, we hear I Will Survive on the radio. We both sing along, knowing the lyrics off by heart. And then unfortunately the song ends with the dramatic piano solo to top it off. And then my heart is pounding from the thrill of that. It was nothing really. Just two people singing along to a song. But it's more than that. I feel like I've climbed one of those mountains that I see right now from the safety of the car. I can't sit a another second in here. I need to get out there where the wind is alive and where I can be free. "Should we stop the car for a little break?" I suggest. "Yeah, sure. Good idea. My butt hurts as hell," you reply. I laugh. As soon as you stop the car, I quickly open my door and run out. Like a bird that's been trapped in a cage and has been given a chance to escape. But that's when the little bird remembers her love bird and turns around and runs to him. You've only just come out of the car but I'm already there squeezing you tightly. "Oh my god! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! How do you do it? How do you manage to amaze me every single time?" I cry out. "Hey it's what I do," you say, once I've let go of you and then flick your nose in that yes-I-know-I'm-amazing way. "Let's walk," you decide. I nod in agreement. We walk along side the cliff your arm around my shoulder and mine around your waist. We're tied together. We're inseparable. I love you. And you love me. It's a promise we made to each other quite a while back and we're doing a pretty good job of keeping it. We've completely forgotten about the car. All of a sudden, a shiver goes down my spine. You must have felt it cause you ask me worriedly:"Where's your jacket?" "I must have left it in the car on the hurry to get out," I reply. "Blondie," you have that goofy grin plastered on your face again. I roll my eyes. But one more uncontrollable shiver out of me get's you to be serious again. You take off your jumper. And you put it on me before I can say another word. "But this is your favorite jumper," I exclaim in surprise. "Eh, the things I do for you," you say with a mock sigh. And we continue walking. I feel like the view keeps getting better and better. "Have you ever seen something so beautiful?" I ask, purely out of curiosity. "Well... I have the chance to look at you everyday," you say.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while:/ I'm having so much fun writing these though. It's feels great to be able to escape sometimes. Hope y'all enjoy reading them.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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