Special scenario Birthday

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In Fira's home...

Axel: hey guys!

Everyone: hey!

Axel:do you know what date is?

Roxas: it's November 17, why?

Axel: shit!!! It's Fira's birthday!!!

Fira: my what?

Aqua: uh... Nothing

Namine: hey Fira! Let's go buy some art materials! Okay good! *drags Fira away with her*

Everybody: *sighs of relief*

Riku: okay everybody! We need to plan for Fira's birthday today.

Ventus: I'll get the decorations!

Sora: me too!

Axel: I'll get the cake

Roxas: I'll go with you.

Riku: okay me and terra will get the music while Aqua and Kairi will distract Fira with Namine. While Linux and Xifra will help The decorations.

Linux: sure

Xifra: okay!

Aqua & Kairi: okay! *goes after Namine*

Terra: okie dokie

~2 hours of preparing~


Axel: shh!!! *whisper yell* here she comes!!

Fira: *blindfolded* guys!!! Why am I blindfold??? *takes off at the same time counting down* 

Everybody: 1....2.......3!!!! Surprise!!!!!

Fira: *gasps*

Everybody: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Fira!!!

Fira: thanks you guys!!

Axel: *brings the cake* Now make a wish, Fir

Fira: *wish and blows*

Sora: now let's party!!!!

~party goes on until dawn, i think~

Fira: thanks u guys! 

Ven: no probs!

Axel: yeah!! *kisses on the cheeks*

Fira: >\\\\\<

Axel: *chuckles*

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