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Mickey's eyes don't want to believe it but here she was stand in front of her as Mickey is stuck in a small portal of darkness while an injured Riku is about few distance short between him and the girl. His keyblade was left on the shore only to be pick up by a girl who is shrouded in the darkness. Yellow piercing eyes found staring at him. "Mickey... your too late." she said. This girl, name Aqua, was known to have a strong-willed heart but the darkness holds no exception for her as well. Riku was finding a way to help his friend but his keyblade is broken. The upper half was broken into two pieces. It was no use after all. He can only from where he kneel.

Mickey struggles for escape as she holds his keyblade. He just couldn't believe that his friend is consumed by the darkness. He knows Xehanort is behind of all this mess but he couldn't bear a slight guilt that he was the one who left her here and keep it as a secret to Riku. He kept struggling as he saw Aqua holds up his keyblade ready to strike. He close his eyes as Mickey awaits his pain but he couldn't feel it. He saw the broken Way to the Dawn, Riku's keyblade protecting him from harm. Riku push all of his might to parry Aqua's strike. Both of them engage into a fight. Mickey found his way out when he used his light magic to escape. and assist Riku to the fight.

Honestly, Mickey knows that Aqua is much stronger given that she is train to use a keyblade since her early age. That's the reason why he needs keyblade imediately to help Riku. The kid can't hold that much long. Riku felt the pressure from her attacks. He knows it so well that he is left no other choice but to parry and defend himself because what good can you do with a broken keyblade. Another clang hits from the two keyblade wielders. Riku managed to unarmed Aqua leaving her defenseless. The keyblade slids under Mickey's feet as he joins the fight. Aqua jumps a bit away as Riku and Mickey gets ready another fight but she summon a dark portal behind her, "This is not the time or place to fight. Soon you will fight once again in the battle of light and darkness just like what happen 100 years ago." she said.

She slowly walks back to the portal and Mickey saw it in her eyes. She needs a desperate help. She need someone to help her to pull out from the darkness that she surrendered upon but we all knew someone will only help her soon enough. The portal closes as Aqua enters leaving Riku and Mickey in the dark shores of the dark meridian. Everything was calm quiet around them. They can only hear the water crashing downs as they get dragged to the shore. Riku walks a few steps and he puts his keyblade down in the sand. Mickey looks at him questionably, "Can't use this keyblade anymore. Might as well leave it here..." he trails off looking at his broken keyblade on the shore, "in case the other me needs it." Mickey just look at Riku with a question face. The duo left the dark realm and went back to Master Yensid's tower.

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Okay!!! I am alive and don't worry about me. I'm just suffering with a huge and probably worst writers block.... hehehe. I'm sorry that I could upload like I used to because many fandoms suddenly crash upon me and I lack the spirit and inspiration to write my first fandom which is KH as you would probably tell. BUT!!!! Hey! I have longer vacation now because I'm going to be a grade 11 this year and going throough an animation course! I'll try my best to upload my stories and honestly I have dozens of stories to upload. I'm just editing them and polishing it before I publish it and complete it in one go soooo yeah that's I'm doing for the past weeks.....no it's not weeks actually, it's probably 3-4 years I think. well anyway, thanks for the 13.1K reads and 308 votes. Requested by tyler3214 I hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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