Chapter 3

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Lunch came around and I walked to the cafeteria with the popular kids walking close behind me, calling me names. I should be crying, right? Well, I'm not. I'm used to the name-calling so it doesn't really bother me as much as it used to. By anyways, I took my usual seat at the table in the dark corner of the cafeteria by the trash cans. I'm usually hidden away here and nobody ever comes to bother me. And if they do, I don't notice. I'm too busy with my nose in a book. But before I read my book, I better go get a bag of 50 cent chips from the vending machine. Hmmm...Doritos look good. I'll get those in cool ranch. The Bag of chips fell to the bottom of the vending machine and I reached in and got them. Then I went back to my table, all alone, and opened the chips and began to eat, reading my book at the same time.

"Gertrude." I heard a manly voice say my name. I looked up.

"Mr. Anderson." I greeted back.

"Is that really your lunch? A bag of Doritos?"

"Yes. And they're delicious."

"You know, this isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to see you eating lunch. I meant I wanted to see you eating a real lunch.". He sat down next to me a stole a Dorito.

"Hey! You're complaining that I don't eat enough, yet you steal part of my lunch?"

"Yep. I can't resist Doritos, especially cool ranch Doritos. And you're gonna eat a real lunch, Gertrude.". He got up and walked away without another word. Jerk. I went back to eating my chips and reading a book. No way! Daisy is the one who killed Myrtle?! That's a total twist in The Great Gatsby. This book is actually getting good.

Then a sandwich was placed in front of me. I looked at it and then up to the person. I gave him a glare. "What's that?"

"A turkey sandwich." he replied while taking a seat next to me again and then taking a bite out of another sandwhich he bought. I was still glaring at him. "Go on. Eat. I'll give you detention if you don't."

"You can't do that! I've never gotten detention in my entire life."

"Well then, I guess if you want your permanent record to stay clean of detentions, I suggest you eat."

I sighed and unwrapped the plastic from the sandwich. I picked it up and looked over to Mr. Anderson and found him staring at me intently, waiting for me to eat. I rolled my eyes and took a bite. Oh. My. God. I haven't eaten meat in so long. I savored the taste. It would probably be the only thing I'll eat in the next week.

"Now then, tell me the truth. When was the last time you ate before today? And don't even bother thinking about lying to me. By the looks of how much you're enjoying that sandwich, it's obvious you haven't eaten in a while. Either that or you're dreaming about a guy you like."

"I'm not dreaming. Most of the guys at this school hate me, so why even bother."


"Mr. Anderson, I don't like talking about my personal life."

"Alright. Understandable. I'm your teacher and it would be awkward for you to talk to me about guys. I get it."

Oh Mr. Anderson, if only you knew the half of it. I FRICKEN LOVE YOU!!!! Ugh! I just want to scream 'IM BAMBI! AND I LOVE YOU!!'. But of course, I wouldn't actually do that. "Right." I replied.

"But enough of avoiding my question. Tell me. When was the last time you ate?"

"You want the truth?"

"Yes. I do."

"Really? Cuz I don't think you can handle truth, Mr. Anderson."

"Gertrude" he scolded.

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