Chapter 4

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Ugh! What am I gonna do about Mr. Anderson? I shouldn't have told him anything. That was my mistake. But I can't worry about that now. I have a job to do. Taking orders from fat, obese customers. Oh joy. Wait. Is that? No. It can't be.

"Gertrude. How are you?"

"Fine, Mr. Anderson. I thought you hated Burger King?"

"I do, but Lisa doesn't." he said putting his hand in some girl's shoulders. This girl was tall blonde, blue eyes. Sort of like Mr. Anderson, but Mr. Anderson has dark brown hair. "Lisa, what would you like?"

"Hmm... Let's see....I'll have a hamburger, large fries, and a medium diet coke."

I placed in their order. "Alright. That comes to 5.73"

Mr. Anderson handed over a ten dollar bill. "Keep the change." he winked at me.

"Mr. Anderson, I-"

He cut me off. "It's Brett outside of school. And really, Gertrude. Keep the change."

"I was gonna say that it's on me. So here.". I said, handing him back the ten dollars.

"No. Keep it. You need it more than me."

"I don't need your charity, Mr. Anderson."

"Brett" he corrected. "And it's not charity. Take it as a tip."

I decided to give up, "Thank you...Brett."

"Brett? How do you know her?". Lisa asked.

"Oh! She's just one of my students. Lisa, this is Gertrude, and Gertrude, this is my sister Lisa."

Oh, his sister! I thought she was his girlfriend. Good thing he cleared that up. Bambi would've ripped his head off if Lisa weren't his sister.

"Nice to meet you, Lisa."

"Same here."

Then Lisa's food was ready and I handed it to her. "Have a nice day."

"Bye, Gertrude." Brett waved as they walked out the door.

I sighed. Five more hours of work and I'll be home, talking to Brett on Skype again....well, Bambi will be talking to him.

Five hours later...

I'm finally home. Thank goodness. I couldn't take being in that smelly place they pass of as a restaurant. I opened the front door to the house and immediately wished I was back at Burger King. The smell of marijuana and beer overwhelmed me. I stuck my head back outside and took a deep breath of fresh air. Then I went back inside and held my breath.

"Where have you been all day?!". my father screamed at me. So much for holding my breath.

"School and work." I answered.

"That's a lie. School doesn't start until September. And its only July!"

"Its September, father. Look at the calendar."

He glanced over at the calendar hanging on the wall which clearly said September. "Hm. So it is. Well then, go up to your room and get out of my sight."

I gladly went to my room. I would rather be talking to Brett. I got myself dressed up and made myself Bambi. I like the Bambi side of me. I should be Bambi more often, but I can't because Brett's my teacher now. Ugh! Life's so complicated.

*bing*. Mysteriousmam6889 is calling you. Accept or ignore.

Just in time. I just finished making myself Bambi. Accept. "Hey Brett"

"Hey Bambi. I have a question for you."

"Ok. Shoot."

"Where do you live? I mean, if you live somewhere near me, I was thinking that maybe we could meet up sometime."

"I'd like that. Ummm...I live in a town called Chasilinton, Massachusetts."

"Are you serious? I live about a half an hour from there in Whitefield!"

"I know. I've seen you around there.". I replied, shyly.

"You have? Why haven't you told me? We could've met. Do you know what this means? We can finally be together like we've always talked about.". He replied, excitedly.

"I wish we could be together, Brett.". I said sadly.

"Well we can. You're just a half an hour from me."

I shook my head. "I know, but we still can't be together." tears were threatening my eyes.

"Why not? Is there another guy?"

I chuckled. "No. Trust me. There's no other guy."

"Then why? Please tell me. I don't understand why we can't finally be together."

"We just can't."

"But can't we at least meet. Maybe you'll change your mind when we meet. Bambi, I think I might be in love with you. I know we've only talked on Skype, but I just feel like there's something between us and I know you feel it too."

"I do feel it. Brett, I think I'm in love with you too."

"Then let's meet eachother, in person. Please." he begged.

"I'm afraid we've already met."

"No. I would've remembered meeting someone as beautiful and intelligent as you. I'm sure we haven't met."

"Trust me. We have."

"Then, where have we met?"

"You'll find out tomorrow. I should go. I have school in the morning." I replied.

"Bambi, wait.". He started, but I ended the call and logged off. I took a long, deep, relaxing breath. Brett Anderson, you're about to find out who the real Bambi is. The whole world is gonna know me as Bambi from now on.

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