Chapter 6

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I'm back in Brett's classroom for detention. I'm supposed to meet him here and we're supposed to walk down to the football field together. I can't believe he actually gave me detention! He knows I'm trying to get a scholarship for college! Now I'll never get out of here. I'll never get away from my parents.

"Hey,sorry I'm late. I just needed to make a few copies of tomorrow's English assignment. But anyways, ready?"

I glared at him. "Why did you have to give me detention?"

"I gave you detention because you were being disrespectful to me."

"Brett, you know what this will do to me! I've NEVER gotten detention before. You know I'm trying to get into college with a full scholarship! FIVE WEEKS OF DETENTION?!?! I can kiss college goodbye."

Brett was staring at me with sorry eyes. "Bambi, why did you act like that during lunch? You know perfectly well that we can't be together even if we wanted to."

"Hence the reason why Im going out with Spencer."

"Spencer doesn't love you, Gertrude. He loves Bambi. He loves the way you look, not for who you really are. And you're Gertrude. Not Bambi."

"So you're saying you love Bambi? Because you knew Bambi first and well, you thought nothing of Gertrude."

He shook his head and chuckled. "No. That's not true. I admired Gertrude. I may have fell in love with Bambi, but I didn't fall for her looks. I fell for her personality, her intelligence, her understanding of life. A name doesn't change the person on the inside. I love you whether you're Gertrude or Bambi...or both for that matter.". He smiled at me, but that smile soon faded away. "But just because I love's not worth the risk. Gertrude... Bambi, my love for you doesn't matter anymore. You have Spencer. Just forget about me, ok?"

"But you just said that Spencer only likes me for how I look."

"Right. But I'm not telling you how to run your life. I'm just your teacher and that's all I'll ever be. Nothing beyond that. I'm sorry."

"Spencer does love me, MR. ANDERSON." I said, emphasizing his name.

"Gertrude, please don't start."

"He said he's had a crush on me since second grade. The only reason he's with me now is because I'm not a nerd anymore."

"Gertrude, please."

"It's Bambi! I refuse to be Gertrude anymore! My life was hell when I was Gertrude!!! I'm not going back!"

"The whole reason you became Bambi was because of me. Well now you can go back to Gertrude."

I shook my head. "Spencer loves how much I've changed. If you won't be with me, then suffer. I'm going out with Spencer. I mean, you have no say in who I date and who I don't date. You're just my teacher right?!"

Brett looked down sadly. "Yeah. I'm just your teacher." he said in almost a whisper. "Let's go. I have to go coach the football team and you're gonna help.". He turned around and opened the door, allowing me to go out first. "I have to stop by the locker room.". He stated.

We walked down the hall towards the gym and the locker rooms. The school halls were now empty and almost everyone went home. The only sound I heard was our footsteps' echo. None of us said a word to eachother the whole way to the locker room.

"You can wait out here. I trust you not to runaway.". He instructed, and walked into the boy's locker room. I leaned against the wall and stared blankly into space, thinking about life and how Brett...oh sorry, I mean Mr. Anderson, just destroyed my future. How he just dumped me like a piece of trash. How one minute, we were talking on Skype about our future and that if we ever met, he would jump at the chance for me to be his, and then the next minute, he's pushing me away.

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