Freaking out.... Barely

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2:02 pm

Get Out!

Jaq and I ran out of the Juice'em bar as fast as our legs could take us and we didn't stop till we had reached the sharp turn ahead of the road,  out of the sight of the bar.

"OMG",  I exclaimed almost out of air and stopped running to catch my breath

"I would have thrown us out the moment you opened your mouth to start ordering",  Jaq said laughing

We really overdid it,  I just couldn't stop ordering and I lost it; so did my bank account.

Jaq grabbed me by the arm and turned the corner,  leading  me to damnation yet again.

"Where are we going? ", I asked curiously,  silently praying it was another awesome place we were going to.

" We're going to the starlight Cafe. We need solid food inside us",  she casually said

"Okay! ",  I jumped with excitement

" And this time I'm paying",  Jaq gave me a Stern look,  which later turned into a warm smile.

2:12 pm

We were now in front of a small cute diner like place. It had huge letters that read "Starlight Café" written on top of it. Looking through the window, it didn't look all that crowded like Juice'em just a few teenagers having lemonade, eating salad, burgers and chatting.

The waiters and waitresses were dressed in casuals with black aprons tied to their waists. Jaqueline and I entered the eatery and found an empty booth not so far from the door.

"Welcome to the Starlight Café, what can I get you?", A waitress with an expression like she'd rather be anywhere than here came to our booth to take our orders.

I took the menu laid out on the table and looked up at Jaq who was seated on the other side of the table right directly facing me. I opened the menu and scaled through it because obviously Jaq was waiting for me to order something since she made no move to pick up and look through the menu.

"I'll have curly fries and a cup of cola", I said politely

" and I'll have a chicken burger and an orange Soda",  Jaq responded after me

The waitress scribbled something down and was off.

"I'm paying for this one", Jaq announced loudly getting her stares from all corners of the room.

I giggled, "suit yourself"

"Lady and Jaqueline"

Jaqueline turned her head towards the door and I just had to look past a few teens to see who was calling our names.

It was Valerie... Nice to everyone Val.


"What are you two doing here?", She chirped all cheery and sweet, "silly question, everybody comes here"

She walked to our booth her heels making noise as it made contact with the tiled floors.

Val had her brown hair in a kind of Arianna Grande style pony tail and the bounced every time she took a step. She was wearing a white Lacey shot sleeved top and black pleated skirt and she  was carrying a nude leather bag. She seated herself next to Jaq and gave her a smile.

Jaq's face turned dark and I could tell she was not happy with Val crashing in.

"So, how come you two are hanging out?", Val asked toying with the menu.

Diary of a Bossy Teen Book 1Where stories live. Discover now