The Perfect Birthday

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Okay, I wrote this to where you could choose the names sooo

Y/N = Your name
Y/L/N = Your last name
C/N = Crushes name
C/L/N Crushes last name
Y/B/F = your best friend

Do you ever wish you could just stop time? I do. That's how I feel now. My birthday seemed like it would go down in history for worst birthday ever. But then C/N pulled me away. I never thought this would be why.

I sit on the same picnic blanket we used on The Point, and watch as he gets the food out of the basket.

"C/N, this- this is amazing. I can't even express how much this means to me." He looks at me and smiles that dimpled smile that never fails to take my breath away.

"Well, I had to do something. I couldn't let your birthday end without something good happening. I'm sorry today has been such a disaster."

It really has been a disaster, with my dad tripping and breaking his ankle, Y/B/F getting poison ivy, and the concert getting cancelled. I never thought it'd get better. I look around, taking in the beautiful meadow. The wildflowers and willow trees. "How did you find this place?" I ask popping a grape in my mouth.

"My mom told me about it. She said this is where my dad proposed to her."

"Well it's absolutely beautiful. And I never thought you'd be able to top our first date." His face reddens and he scratches the back his head, not making eye contact with me. I grab his hand and interlace my figures with his. He finally looks at me, "I'm glad you like it."

We eat the food he brought, talking here and there about anything and everything. I tell him a story of how I tripped in the library and knocked the whole bookshelf over. He laughs so hard tears form in his eyes. It's probably the hardest I've seen C/N laugh. It's a beautiful sight. Even thought I'm enjoying his laughter, I playfully smack his arm, "It's not that funny! It was so embarrassing. Everyone in the library looked at me. It was awful." I blush, remembering everyone's faces as the shelf came falling down. I cover my face, shielding C/N from my bright red face. He laughs again, "Y/N, it's okay! I've done stupid stuff before too!" Uncovering my face, I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms, "I find that so hard to believe. You? The magnificent C/N C/L/N? Sure."

He scrunches his nose, "Don't even go there. You, unfortunately, know all too well how stupid I can be."

"That's for sure," I snort.

He scoffs, looking dramatically hurt. Trying to keep a straight face, I bite my lip. Then looking down, I notice a plate of cupcakes. I pick one up, and shove it in C/N's face. This time, I'm the one laughing. With his eyes lightly shut, he feels around for a napkin. I put one in his hand and watch as he does his best to clean himself up.

"I'm sorry, I just had to. I saw the opportunity and I took it." I say, leaning back on the blanket. I hear him sigh, then I feel him get up.

I sit up quickly, "Where are you going? Was the cupcake thing going too far? Because I-"

He chuckles, "Y/N, the cupcake thing was funny. I just wish I would have thought of it first," he winks at me. "I'm up because," he reaches in him trunk and pulls out out a radio. He puts in down next the blanket, and hits play. Wanna Be The Song by Brett Eldredge starts playing.

I furrow my brow confused, "What are you doing?" He walks in front of me and hold his hand out, "May I have this dance, Ms. Y/L/N?" My heart flutters as I take his hand, "You may, Mr. C/L/N." He guides me off the blanket, then puts his right hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer. Suddenly, I'm nervous. What if I step on his feet or do something wrong?

I must look nervous because then he takes my right hand and puts it on the back of his neck. Then with his left hand he takes mine. He smirks at me, "I told you I knew how to dance."

I shake my head, "You never stop surprising me C/N." He kisses my forehead, "I try."

I put my head on his chest as we sway to the music. Listening to his heartbeat, I wonder if I'll always have C/N. It's unlikely considering we're just in highschool, but still. I don't want to think of a day when I won't have him.

"C/N?" I say, my voice just above a whisper.


"I love you."

"I love you too."


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