Love in the Park

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I sit on a bench near the fountain in the middle of the park. Jackie said she'd be here at 12, but because I've known her for so long, I know that means I'll see her around 12:30. I look down at my watch and sigh, trying to imagine what this is going to be like. I've been gone a year in Spain and I didn't talk to Jackie once.

This morning when she called me, I barely recognized her voice. Even though I've known her since kindergarten, I've never been more nervous in my life. How much can one person change over the course of a year?

Taking a deep breath, I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. Since it's towards the end of summer, it's warm out and there's a cool breeze with clouds covering the sun every so often. It's a perfect day for a walk in the park.

It's 12:32 and I see Jackie walking towards the fountain before she sees me. Physically, she hasn't changed much. Same petite frame and long dark brown hair. She finally notices me on the bench and grins, waving with both hands. When I stand up to greet her, she doesn't say anything. She just stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around my neck. I bury my face in her hair and sigh. She smells the same too.

Suddenly she steps away from me, putting her left hand on her hip. "Fletcher Clark, if you dare leave this country again you better call me because if you don't I swear I'll fly to where ever you are and kick your butt." I know she's actually mad by the way her nose is scrunching up. As hard as I try though, I can't suppress a chuckle. She tries too, but fails as well, fizzing over into a fit of laughter, exposing her deep dimples. I notice the summer sun has darkened her usual, barely noticeable freckles that sprinkle her nose and cheeks, and all at once I'm way too aware of her overwhelming beauty. She stops laughing and a serious expression settles on her face. "But I'm serious," she playfully punches me in the arm. "I missed you, Fletch." She stares at me with her big hazel eyes and my stomach tightens. "I missed you too, Jackie. And I wanted to call you but my school didn't let me make calls to the US."

Jackie gasps dramatically, "Your oh so prestigious art school didn't let you call your best friend? I must have a long, stern chat with them. You would think they'd be nicer to their top student." I scoff, "Top student. Please. You should have seen the other artists. They blew me out of the water." She puts her hands on my shoulders, "You are an amazing artist. The only way you wouldn't be the top is if Michelangelo and Da Vinci were there too. I'm sure you were great." When I'm silent, Jackie adds, "Hey, that painting you made of Mount Rushmore is hanging in the school front office. Now everyone who comes in sees your wonderful art. I'm proud of you." I give her a small smile, "Thanks."

She takes my hand and we begin down one of the many tree lined paths in the park. "Hey speaking of school.." Jackie groans and frowns at me. "How was junior year at your favorite place ever?" She shakes her head. "Awful, absolutely awful. I barely passed." School has never been Jackie's strong suit. "Jackie! You can't do that. We're going to be seniors. You have to think about your future," I tell her, waving my arm for effect. "Well excuse me sir, we can't all be talented, smart artists who have art schools in different countries dying to have them in their school." Jackie sighs, "Maybe I'll just quit and join the circus. Hey, you never know. I might be good at it." She winks at me. I've never understood why she could be so hard on herself. I know she's smart. She just doesn't apply herself.

A silence looms over us, and I can tell Jackie is probably really thinking about her future. But she must hate that because she scrunches her nose and shakes her head. "Tell me about Spain," she says it more like a demand. I sigh, recalling all of the wonderful memories I have of my time in Barcelona. "Oh Jackie you would have loved it. The architecture, the art, the food, the music. Man, you would have loved the music." She looks up at me with curious eyes and I continue, "One night, my roommate Fernando and I went to this little cafe. When we were walking out there was a man with a little guitar just strumming away. Then before we knew what was happening, we were surrounded by couples dancing. Yep, dancing. Right there in the middle of the street. It was great." Jackie lets go of my hand and walks ahead of me. "I wish I could have seen it."

Then, she starts dancing, moving her hands and spinning around, causing her light blue sundress to twirl around her. "Can you see me dancing in the streets of Barcelona?" Before I can answer her, I feel something wet drop on my head. "Wait, is that-" Jackie doesn't get a chance to finish her sentence before we're caught in a cold, down pour of rain. She throws her head back laughing, still spinning around. "Come on Jackie we have to find a place with a roof!" Suddenly, she points at something a little further down the path.

"Over there!" She yells over the sound of thunder. We run under the roof of a gazebo, breathing heavily. Lightning strikes near by and illuminates everything around us. I can't help but stare as her eyes light up, raindrops sparkling on her lashes.

She pushes back her now dripping wet hair and looks at me. "Some walk, huh Fletch?"

I want to say something, but the words don't come out. I'm just standing here, staring at the girl I've liked since kindergarten. "Um, Fletcher? You there?" She giggles, "What are you even looking at?" All of sudden, before I can stop them, words stumble out of my mouth. "You're so beautiful." It catches her off guard and she laughs, "Oh ha ha. I'm sure I'm a mess." She begins fiddling with her hair, but I stop her. "No, really. I think this is the most beautiful I've ever seen you." Her cheeks redden, and I'm afraid I've upset her. She looks at her shoes and sways back and forth on her heals. For the first time ever, she doesn't know what to say. "Jackie?" I'm desperate for her to say something. I need to know I didn't just screw everything up. She looks at me with those eyes, those eyes that make me weak every time she looks at me, and I'm lost. She steps closer to me. So close, that I can smell her perfume. "Well you're not so bad yourself," she whispers, not looking away from my eyes. I smile, and she does too. I put my hand on her cheek and I feel her put her hand on my other arm. Tracing my index finger over her nose, I breathe, "I love your freckles." Her eyebrows scrunch together, "I don't have freckles!" I mimic her expression. "You do too! Here, and here, and here, and all over your face." She shakes her head, "You never stop surprising me Fletcher." My eyes leave hers, moving to the nature surrounding us. "Hm, I guess the rain stopped," I look back at her. "Should we go?" Jackie wraps her arms around my torso and hums, "No, not yet. I want to stay here for as long as possible." Squeezing her, I whisper, "Me too, Jackie. Me too."

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