Forbidden Love or Not? 9

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Chapter 9

"So you are vampire?!" I shouted.

"How did you figure it out!" he said flashing me his shinning white fangs at me and eyes going full blaming fire red. I'm a witch! I wanted to yell to him.

"Ah you are but your blood don't spell like it. It's to sweet and don't smell that bad." he told me like he read my mind. Did he read my mind I ask my self.

"Yes yes I did." he told me.

"Oook you gotta stop. But we are still hanging right I don't want to go back to the bullshit at home." I told him as he just smiled at me.

"You got bullshit at home. I live with my mom, my dad, my sister, my older brother, my aunt, and my twin brother who hates witches! And I'm going out with one." he said laughing

"HEY! I have a twin brother, older brother, older sister, two young sister, a younger brother, a mom, dad, friend's mom, friend's dad, and my BOYFRIEND who will kill me if they found out. Specally my older brother and sister." I told him smiling. They asked for it they keep me locked up. I looked at him as he nodded. I hit him playfully as he glared at me and I took it to my self to grin. He laughed when he looked over at me. I just started to think to about the dream I had. Was he the person in the dream?

"Yes and no." he said reading my mind.....again.

"Dude really you need to stop doing that and what do you mean 'yes and no' by?" I told him.

"That was me but it wasn't me who put me in your dream."


"A dude name Jason did. He's half vampire and half worlock. You know him?"

"Ugh yes I do." I told him. When we got to the club there was aline around the block. Of course Blake knew people there. When I say people there I mean the bouncer.

"Yo Kev-in!" Blake said going up to a tall guy that looks like he lives at the gym. He was bald, had dark brown eyes, and skin.

"BLA-KE! Who's this?" he said looking at me rubbing his hand together.

"Her name is Zarah, Kevin. And stop thinking." he told Kevin. Blake put his arm around my waist. Kevin looked at us back and forth.

"So you want in or not dude?" Kevin ask.

"Why you think I'm here!" Blake said as Kevin let us in as the line groanedu. We walked in a crowded loud room full of people dancing against their partners. Blake walked to the bar and got us some drinks. He got beer and got me vodka.

"Wana dance?!" he yelled over the music.

"Yea!" I answered him. He took my hand and brought me to the floor as "Tik Tok" by Kesha came on. He pulled me towards him as guys eyed me. I turn towards him bring my body closer toward him. I started to grind on him as he just watched in amazement. I started to walk away after thirty minutes, becouse of a slow song. Blake had another plan though. He took my hand and put it around his neck as he put his hand tight around my waist.

"Having fun?" he asked me as I nodded my head. I layer my head on his chest. As I listened to "You Should Be Mine" by Marvhn Davis. After the song was done, Blake and I walk towards the table as we drank our refills. I felt my phone go off on my butt. It was from Nate.


Nate- where r u?!?!?!

Zarah- @ a club. Y?

Nate- im out side ur window to c if ur ok. Who r u @ the club with?

Zarah- no1 tht u care abut.

Nate- what club r u @ im coming to get u.

Zarah- Nate f-off Im having fun and need to get the bs out of my mind.

Nate- zar plz?

Zar- Nate c u 2morrow

Nate- zar!

~end of convo~

"Who was that?" Blake asked looking at me conserend.

"Nate." I said feeling tears in my eyes. He got up and came towards me. He put his arms around me and embracing me in his strong arms as a tear ran down my cheek from the memory of today came over flowing me.

"Ready to go?" he asked letting go of me as I pulled him back and nodded. When we left the club he kept looking at me. I pulled the mirror down as to see my mascra running.

"I look like a dam raccon." I said trying to make a joke. We pulled up to the pound to find Nate there. He looked up as if he knew I was there.

"Tell you boyfriend to calm his thoughts down." he told as he hugged me and walked away to his red fierri.

"Nate." I said as I walked towards him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DO WITH THAT BLOODSUCKER!" he yelled as Blake turned around eyes blazing and fist clenched. Next thing I saw was red hair cirlcing around Nate and me than went to stand by Blake as a black hair guy did the same. Ash-Lin and Alex. They staired at me confused as I tried to keep Nate from doing something to get his self killed.

"Zarah. What are you doing by that gyipse." Ash-Lin and Alex both said. My face dropped GYPSE! WHAT THE HELL! Blake started busting out laughing.

"I'm not a gypise and neither is he!" I yelled.

"It's WITCH and WORELOCK!" I yelled louder. Alex and Ash-Lin just stood there stunned. Blake put his hand on them and shook his head. Fire erputed from the ground as I got more pissed off. I kept scream that I wasn't nor Nate were gypises. The louder I screamed the taller the flames went. Everyone stood there stunned as hell. Blake started to walk up towards me same as Nate. They both reached me as I screamed in latin.

"Holly shit!" I herd Nate say under his breath. I didn't know why he said that, but at the moment I really didn't care. Blake towards me and embraced me in his arms again. I started to calm down as his arms felt safe next to him.

"Zarah calm down please." Blake whispered in my ears. I heard Alex cursing Blake from behind. Nate was getting mad from Blake being to close. I finally calmed down by blacking out. The darkness felt good and like nothing could touch me. I had no dreadful day ahead, no wary halls at school, or being taunted at home. But it ended to soon. I woke to find strange people looking at me.

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