Fobidden Love or Not-6

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I tried to open my mouth to scream but something I was covering my mouth.

"Zar we need to talk!" the voice said and I knows who it was.

"Nate I'm going to be late and I don't wana be late!" I said. He just looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head.

"Zar please listen to me!" he said practilly yelling.

"No! Nate NO!" I said holding back my tears. It just took him stairing at me to make me have a emotional break down. I feel to my knees as he tried to comfort me, but I kept pushing him away as he whispered that he was sorry and kissing my forehead.

"I said no becouse I wanted to ask you. I wanted to be a man and ask you not the other way around." He said leaning in slowly.

"Really?" I said. Surpirsing my self to find me leaning in slowly also.

"Really." he said grabbing my face and crushed his lips to mine. We sat there kissing till we heared the door open. We looked up to see Alex stairing at us.

"Ummmm. I'll leave y'all to go back to what y'all were doing." he said and closing the door to leave.

"Wait Alex!" I heared my self say. I got up as well did Nate.

"What's your first class?" I asked while Nate was behind us cursing.

"Sex ed. Why?" he asked confused.

"Wanted to see if we have the same class and we do!" I said cheerfully as he laughed. I turned and hugged Nate as he ran to his history class. I walked with Alex as I we talked. The blonde hair guy ran up to Alex.

"Dude! Where you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!" he said. He looks soooooooo familar to the guy from my dream. He looked at me shocked. What the fuck why is stairing at me wierd.

"Hey I'm Zarah." I said creeped out.

"Hey I'm Blake." he said looking teriffed. I saw Alex give him a what the fuck look.

"Miss. Zarha how nice of you to show some of our new kids the school. NOW GET TO CLASS! You better not be late to my class either" Mr. Huston said. He is the meanest math teacher you will know, well if your me. He hates my ass I think it's jelousy if you ask me why. He is fat and wrickle has a bald spot that is surrounded by gray hair.

"Yea yea yea Mr. H I see ya in an hour! Better not be later bla bla bla bla!" I said mocking him as he glared at me and went back to his class where every one is laughing at what I said. I saw Gary threw the window as he shook his head laughing. I just grinned and walked to sex ed laughing. The teacher wasn't there strange! I walked to the back and sat by Tori. That's when I looked up to see the girl that was with Nate and Ash-Lin standing there akward and Alex and Blake standing all cool talking as the girls in the class sat there stairing at then with amazment, don't blame them they are hot. When the door open it wasn't Mr. Lake instead I see a hot guy with long jet black hair that was spiked up, light chocolate brown eyes, and white wintery skin. The wore a light blue button up shirt and jeans.

"Hello class y'alls teacher Mr. Lake retaired over the holliday he just stayed for that day till they found a new teacher that would be me. My name is Mr. Corana but call me Hank." he said in a British accent. All the girls besides the new ones smiled, compeletly forgetting Blake and Alex.

"Well let's get started. Can y'all take your sets please." he asked gently.

"Were new here so we don't know where to sit." they said.

"I can change that." he said and gave them their sets. Ash-Lin sat by Linda, a quite Asin girl with long brown hair and soft brown eyes. The girl who was by Nate I think is named Samtha sat by Kimmy, she's one of my friends. She tall has brown hair with blonde hightlights and blue eyes; she's tall, skinny, and very pretty. Alex sat on the other side of Tori and Blake sat on the other side of me. Tori passed me a note as Hank talked about protection.

~ note ~

Tori- OMG he's soooooooo hot!!!!!

Me- Ik!!!!! And btw Nate and r together I think!!!! :) Worst timing for all the new kids to get here!!!!! Special the hot ones ;)

Tori- kno what you mean!!!

Me- LOL you know what won't bother me?

Tori- what?! Me doing Mr. Hank?

Me- that would bother me!!!! But no Mr. Hank teaching me about sex upcoose and personal! :)

Tori- hahaha shareal!!!!! LOL

Just than Mr. Hank took the note from Tori as she was handing it to me.

"Well you two are quite sneacky." hesaid as I saw Tori do a jack off hand motion as he walked to the front of the class. "Yall won't mind me reading the note to the class since you two have somthing to say that is so imortant to not listen to the lesson." "Well you see Mr. Hank Tori was telling me the stuff that happen in her house last night that shouldn't be said tithe class speically in sex ed." I said jumping out my seat.

"To bad Miss."he said cheacked the seating chart. "Zarah?"

"Yup names Zarah get use to it you will be yelling my name tonight." I said winking as the guys gave me why-not-me looks.

"Take a seat I'm reading it." he said.

"Fine fine fine!" I said.

"Well let's read the note. Omg he is soooo hot!"he started reading it in a girl voice. "Ik! Btw I think me and Nate are going out I think smiley face with alot of exclamtion marks. Worst timing for the new kids to get here specially the hot ones wink face. Know what you mean. LOL you know what won't bother me. What me doing Mr. Hank?" he said stoping there blushing as the whole class was laughing. The guys kept saying keep going! As Tori and I were laughing the hardest. He told Tori and I to go to the office and bring our bags.

"Why not read the rest of the note Mr.Hank every one wonts to hear it right." Tori said winking at him as the class went into cheers of yes. I even think I herd a hell yea and fucking hells yea in there. I glared at the class at the comment of fucking hells yea. The guy, Lance, who said that flipped me off. I walked up to him and slapped him on the back of the head.

"No couse both you girls are going to the office." Mr. Hank said trying to hide his smile. Tori and I put our arm around his neck.

"It won't happen again Mr. Hank please don't send us to the office." we said batting our eye lashs.

"Fine take y'alls sits." he said letting his smile form. Tori and I sat back in out sets. A fee minutes later I felt people stairing at me. I looked up to see the girl who was by Nate, Samatha, Ash-Lin, Alex, and Blake stairing at me. I quickly looked back down feeling akward. When class was over I walked out behind Samatha who was going over to Nate. I watched as they started talking, I could tell that Samatha was flirting. I walked over with out relizing it and putting my arms around Nate's waist as put his around my neck. I saw Samatha get a sad look on her face as I felt a smile. Something was different about her, but I can't figure it out. The first half of the day went by slow and wierd. At lunch I pushed my way through a crowed of people yelling fight. I went up to find Gary.......

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