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   It all happened so quick. One morning, Scott awoke to the sounds of explosions. He ran out of his room, and the 2nd floor collapsed. Scott ran out of his house, seeing things flying through the air, blowing up. Scott turned back to look for his mom in the wreckage, but that's when the entire house exploded, setting Scott on fire and a few yards away.

    After waking up, Scott felt a lot of pain through his body. But he was in a safe environment now. He was inside of something... A house, and people were above him. "Hey, Scott!" Said a familiar voice, Stiles Stilinski.

"He's awake!" Said another familiar voice, his other friend Lydia Martin. They both walked over to him, looking like they just fell from an airplane. "What... What's going on?" Scott asked, sitting up. All he remembers is his house blowing up, along with other houses on his street, and things flying in the sky.

"We don't know, really... There's these things, probably supernatural... They just came here, started killing anything they see. Kids, adults, teenagers... Don't know what their goal is, I haven't even seen one. I was in here this whole time." Explained Stiles, slightly smiling and hitting the wall to the room.

Scott looked around, seeing where he was. Looked like some sort of supernatural bunker. "Stiles... what the actual hell is this place?" Scott asked as he saw canned food, water, and other people he knew around the room. But Stiles was already gone, yelling at Liam and Hayden for making out on the couch. "This is, his supernatural bunker... Been making it since after Peter was killed in the woods." Explained Lydia, helping Scott up from the bed he was in.

"I guess he's been paranoid that something like this would ever happen... I don't think he ever thought it would though," As she pointed to the  bags of chips, most of them already eaten. Stiles then came back over, people behind him. Scott noticed Malia, Liam, Hayden, Mason, Cory, Isaac, Derek, and his girlfriend Kira.

Kira ran right up to Scott, jumping on him and kissing him. Stiles rolled his eyes and turned away. Scott pulled back, smiling. "Thank god you're okay!" Kira said, smiling. "Yeah, thank god I am, or I wouldn't get to see you." Said Scott, kissing her again.

"Okay, okay, break it up!" Stiles yelled, running over and pushing them apart. "We have a freakin' Beaconapocalypse here! So no time for kissi-" Said Stiles as Lydia came over, pushing him against the wall and kissing him. Stiles eyes widened, and then she pulled back. He smiled slightly, trying not to act excited. "Okay, we can do it once in a while... But not all the time!" Said Stiles, as Lydia smiled at Hayden and Kira.

"Did you call it, a Beaconapocalypse-" Asked Isaac, "Yes, now shut up. Okay, we should probably start planning out what we're gonna do to fight these guys, we have the biggest pack ever now. Scott, what should we do?!" Asked Stiles. Everyone's heads darted towards Scott.

"Well... I think we should-" he was interrupted by a rumbling noise above them, all of them looking up. "Stiles... Where exactly is this underneath?" Asked Scott, looking at him. "The school... It's probably just a garbage can or something. We should be okay." Stiles said. The metal door then was hit loudly from the other side, it bending a little bit. They all took a big step back, but Scott and Stiles took a step toward.

"It's okay... If they can't knock a door down in one hit, they can't hurt us!" Scott yelled. Stiles nodded. "Yeah, of course... They're probably not THAT big of a threa-"

The wall then exploded, the door flying off the hinges and smacking Derek into the wall, knocking him unconscious. "OH SHIT NEVER MIND RUN!!!!" Screamed Stiles, and they all ran as the creatures came into the place. Scott finally got his first look at them. They were floating, and had almost human like arms, but instead of hands they had gigantic grenade launchers. They started blowing up the base.

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