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Scott stared at the bodies of Stiles and Allison, and the collapsing building with all his friends in it. How are they alive? Or, how were they alive?!

Scott decided this must be him hallucinating, and ran away from the bodies. The building was collapsing, but very slowly. That's when he took his phone out and called Liam.

"LIAM?!" Scott screamed into his phone as he ran around to the other side of the building. "Sc-Scott? Is that you?! H-Help, me, Hayden, and Cory were taken back to-" He began, but then another voice came on.

"SHUT UP, BOY!" Said a robotic voice. He then heard Liam scream, and the phone cut out. Someone took him, Cory, and Hayden... But to where?

Scott decided he can't think about that right now, and has to save his other friends. Scott jumped on the falling building, and began running up it. His claws dug into the hard stone and pushed himself up. That's when a big chunk of the stone from the top fell, and Scott's eyes widened.

He ripped his claws out of the stone, and jumped to the left, the stone scratching his arm, barely missing his head. Scott was now falling, but he clawed his way back into the stone. He started climbing now, all the way to the floor they were all in. He looked inside his apartment... And saw Lydia, Malia, and Isaac all unconscious on the wall. (The building was slanted)

He cracked the window, and jumped inside, landing on the wall. He leaned down to Isaac. "Isaac...?" He said. He then noticed Isaac had a giant glass shard in his face. Scott ripped it out, and Isaac screamed, waking up. "What's going on?" he asked. Scott grabbed his arm, helping him up. "The building is falling, we need to go. NOW! Wake up Malia, I got Lydia." Scott told him.

Isaac leaned down to wake up Malia, and Scott leaned to Lydia... Of course, she STILL didn't put her clothes back on.

"Lydia..." He asked. She was on he ground, a few cuts and bruises. He felt her heart.... Nothing. His eyes opened wide. "Lydia... LYDIA WAKE UP!" He screamed. He hugged her body, screaming her name. He looked to his right, seeing Isaac had woken up Malia.

"Lydia... Please wake up! I... Guess who I saw!" He screamed. Lydia's head lay fallen to the left. "I saw STILES!" He screamed, and Lydia gasped, waking up. Scott, Malia, and Isaac all smiled. Scott hugged her. "You're awake!" He yelled.

"Stop hugging me while I'm naked!" She yelled, pushing him. "Isaac, get her some clothes." Scott told him.

Isaac ran and got her clothes, and she put them on. "Finally!" She said. Scott smiled. But then the building shook more, and flipped. Scott, Isaac, Malia, and Lydia all fell to the other side of the apartment, where it were all windows. The windows began to crack.

"Don't... Move... A muscle..." Scott told them. "If we move... The glass will break..." He said to them.

But then, a giant boulder came flying towards the windows, hitting Malia's, and she began to fall, Isaac jumping off his window and grabbing her hand. Lydia and Scott screamed Malia's name too, but didn't move.

"Isaac, you can't pull me up! If you do, you'll fall too!" Malia screamed. "I don't care!" He replied. He began pulling her up.

"NO!" Malia screamed. Scott and Lydia jumped up from their windows, standing on the glass. It didn't break. Isaac pulled Malia up, the glass not breaking.

"Huh... I guess it isn't gonna break!" Malia remarked. But then... The whole ceiling, or should I say wall, collapsed, breaking the whole wall of windows they were standing on. All four of them fell out, and began free falling towards the ground. "SCOTT!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" All three of them yelled. Scott looked at them... He had nothing. Were they just gonna... Die?

Scott forced a smile at them. They understood... They were going to smack into the concrete, and die. Scott closed his eyes, bracing for impact.

He felt like something was going to come and save them, like in books and movies. But nothing did. Scott opened his eyes... And he saw him and his friends smack hard into the concrete... And all four of them died.


Scott's eyes opened. Was he dead? Was it all a dream? He could have sworn he just died... He looked up, seeing two people he watched die twice. Stiles and Allison.

"How... I saw you guys die! Twice! You got killed by one of those monsters, and got shot by her." Scott said, pointing to Stiles. "And... you. You were killed by an Oni, and then killed by Stiles again. How are you guys alive?!" He asked them.

Stiles and Allison exchanged nervous looks. "Come sit down." Said Stiles. Scott got up from the bed, sitting in the chairs with Allison and Scott.

"Okay, before you ask, Isaac, Malia, and Lydia are all okay." Allison said to him. Scott nodded.

"And how are we alive, may I ask?" He asked the two.

"Let's start from the beginning." Stiles told him. "So, Allison was killed. Then I was taken. By these robot dudes, called The Dickwads." Stiles said to Scott. Scott stared at Stiles for a second, making sure he heard right. "They're called... The Dickwads?" Scott asked.
Stiles nodded, but then burst out laughing. "No, no no..." Stiles said in between laughs. "I was just kidding. They're called The Hotangi." Stiles told him.

Scott nodded. "So, they found my body way before anything happened. They then went after Stiles. For each person they capture, they make a robot out of them, with that persons brain. In that robot that said Argent? That was me." Allison explained to Scott.

"This isn't making any sense." Said Scott. "If you were turned into a robot, how are you here now? If one of the robot's said Stilinski, how was Stiles still there?" Scott asked them. "We're getting to that. Hold your horses!" Stiles told Scott. Scott rolled his eyes.

"So, when I was being dragged back to the robot base by that big robot, that said Stilinski, I saw one of the brains and just grabbed it. I  don't know why, it just looked squishy and I've never seen a human brain. When we finally got back to the base, the robot msaw the brain, and picked it up. It said to me, "Why do you have Allison Argent's brain?" And my mind just blew. They had Allison's brain!" Stiles explained. Scott was now really interested in the story.

"It then tossed the brain in a thing that looked like a garbage can, and pulled me into the base. They threw me into a prison cell, and told me I will be turned into a robot the next day. What they didn't know is... I stole a key from the robot. I unlocked the door in the middle of the night, and made my way outside and into the garbage like thing and grabbed Allison's brain. I looked around the base, and eventually found the human body place. Sure enough, allison's was there, and I used the machine to put her brain back in. Sure enough, she came back to life and we escaped together." Stiles explained.

Scott's mouth dropped. Allison is alive. And so is Stiles. He could not believe it. "So, how did you guys shoot each other and then save us?" Scott asked.

"We also stole some guns in case... the robot's came out. We learned what they did when we shot a caterpillar. They gave you powers for a rare amount of time, but you appear to be dead for like 3 minutes." Allison told him. "So, we knew none of you would survive that building collapsing, so we shot each other, giving each other powers for a bit. We then brought you guys back to life with it." Allison said.

Scott was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it. Then Lydia walked over. "Allison..." she said, voice trembling. Allison nodded. Lydia screamed, running up to her and hugging her. "How are you alive?!" She asked through tears. "Yeah, we're not explaining it again." Said Stiles. Lydia turned towards Stiles, hugging him. "Glad you're alive!" Lydia told him.

"Hey, hate to break up the reunion here, but Liam, Hayden, and Cory are kind of kidnapped! They were taken by the robot's!" Isaac screamed.

"Oh yeah... forgot about that. We gotta get there!"  Malia said. "Where is it?" Scott asked Allison and Stiles.

Allison and Stiles exchanged looks.

"Beacon Hills."

The Burning of Beacon HillsWhere stories live. Discover now