Chapter 2

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Au  character death on Malachor it not Ahsoka this time 

1 month Later 


" Hunter will be MINE. My enemies shall perish." Maul said revilingly an evil laugh as Ezra saved Ahsoka from being blind

" Kanan Ahsoka go to Hunter Maul is mine." Ezra said raising his purple blade

" Alright." Kanan said as he and Ahsoka ran to stairs

" I will make this quick Jedi." Maul said

" You can try." Ezra said raising his purple blade before he battle begans

Meanwhile with Hunter

" You have unlock the Holocorn." Vader asked 

" Figure it out." Hunter said igniting his Green Lightsaber (Ezra Lightsaber actually when he found out Ezra here Hunter gave it back to Ezra but Ezra said keep it)

Vader easily sent Hunter lightsaber flying as he coward

" Perhaps I was wrong." Vader said but Kanan runs and takes on Vader as Ahsoka and Hunter get the holocorn and see Ezra arriving

" Where Maul." Hunter asked

" I killed him he betrayed us we will tell you later the temple falling." Ezra said as they went on the phantom and Ezra turned to see Kanan

" Kanan Come on." Ezra yelled as he was about to join the fight or scarifies himself but Kanan force pushed him onto the Phantom

" Tell them I loved them no matter what and I died saving you guys. And Ezra Watch over Dawn please and keep her safe I know Hera will be able to live without me but Dawn can't please." Kanan said as he blocked Vader saber and looked back

" I will." Ezra said crying knowing that Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus will be one with the force

" Ezra May the force be with you always." Kanan said as Vader cut Kanan right arm and stab him as The door closes

The Phantom flew quiet as Hunter sobs on his master

" It over Hunter we couldn't do anything about Kanan. Also Ezra are you gonna train Dawn" Ahsoka said starting to cry

" I will. I am gonna make Dawn A great Jedi Knight one day." Ezra said as his fist balled and saying swear huttese word 

" Hera will be sad." Ezra thought

2 hours passed bye as The Phantom landed as Ezra walked out first and see Captain Rex Leia Zeb and Dawn with Hera

" Where Kanan Ahoska And Hunter." Leia asked as Hera walked with Dawn

"  Kanan died by the hands of Vader I couldn't do anything he force pushed me into the phantom and said his last words And Ahsoka and Hunter are still on the Phantom." Ezra said holding his fist as Leia hugged him as she comforts him As Dawn cries now after knowing she lost her father as Hera held Dawn while holding back tears as Ahsoka and Hunter came to see Ezra holding Leia while Hera was hugging Dawn hard

" I will train you Dawn." Ezra said still in Leia embrace as Dawn nodded her head

" I will not stop  until Darth Vader Dead no matter what." Ezra said now angrily as he held Leia and felt something he hasn't felt a long time feelings and he realized that he loves Leia 

1 week Later

Leia looked at Ezra with worry as She watch him trained harder every minute with no rest.

 Ezra kept using his lightsaber on practice trying to be prepared to protect the one he loved now and his now new crush Leia. 

"Ezra I think it enough." Leia said looking at Ezra who ignored her and kept training

" EZRA I ORDER YOU TO STOP YOUR TRAINING RIGHT NOW OR I WILL STUN YOU AND TAKE YOUR LIGHTSABER AWAY." Leia screamed making Ezra stopped and looked at Leia which a look of surprise 

" You never yelled." Ezra said looking at Leia who then hugged Ezra and started to sob

"I-I-I L-L-Love y-y-you E-E-Ezra B-but you need to rest." Leia said crying as Ezra kissed Leia on the lips shocking Leia but enjoy the next second

" I love you too but I am training to protect you and Dawn." Ezra said

" At what cost Ezra If you keep doing this you might become someone else." Leia said closing her eyes laying on Ezra chest as he stroke her brown hair 

" I can't let the Empire touch you I will kill any of them for you safety." Ezra said 

" You can protect me You have and always will Darth Vader will never find us anaways." Leia responded

" Well Let see about that shall we." Vader appeared as his breathing came

" Ezra Skywalker come my son Your father is a weak man Join me we can rule the galaxy as Father and Son." Vader said holding his hand

" Your not THE REAL ANAKIN SKYWALKER WHO IS MY FATHER." Ezra said force pushing Leia to a safe distance igniting his Saber

" Your a fool to think that Your Father is a pathetic Jedi He should have joined the sith." Vader said

" I will not be seduced." Ezra said charging at Vader who stood and deflect Ezra attack

Ezra brings vader in a saber Lock

" You will pay." Ezra said before kicking Vader

Both Red and Purple Blade clashing as Vader And Ezra start battling to death

both Sith and Jedi were launching killing blows defense and clashing battle for 2 hours 30 minutes and was a tie until Ezra Cut Vader Right hand

"UGHHHHHH." Vader screamed In pain

" It over Vader surrender." Ezra said

"NEVER." Vader said and rushed at Ezra

Ezra raised his lightsaber defend the attack and force pushed Vader runs to him and Cutting Vader head and it feels A massive force Change

" EZRA." Leia asked

" He dead." Ezra said kissing Leia who and held her in his arms

" You need to see a medical doctor." Leia said

" No I wanna see Darth Vader corpse burn." Ezra whined

" Med bay now." Leia said dragging Knight Skywalker

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