Chapter 4

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"Fine. fine." I said laughing at her and trying to find more things to buy.


Now we're done shopping. I dragged Amy to Sbarro. God I was hungry. I had all my things bought and she made me wait for her and she took a LONG time. 

As we were eating in Sbarro, We just stayed silent and listening to anything in our surroundings.. even eavsdropping on our people convos near us. Amy and I were in a booth and There was another booth so close behind us. We heard 3 guys laughing and talking about traveling and other sht. And we continued to eavvesdrop on them..

"So when are you seeing the girl you were talking about?" I heard a guy said.

"I'm suppose to see her in Dance school today but she was absent."

(FYI it was about 5 pm and the Dance Schools dissmissal time is 3:30pm.)

"Sucks, bro. What's her name?"

"Her names Kayla. Swear man, she's the most amazing girl I've ever met."

As we heard that sentence, Amy and I looked at each other wide eyed and surprised.

"Is that Riley?" Amy whisper shouted.

"I think so." I said.

"Then go talk to him!!" She said much louder.

I shook my head from left to right, symbolizing a NO. Now that I know he has these feelings for me, I'm nervous to face otr talk to him. Not like yesterday.. It's weird that he felt that way for me, after knowing me for just one day. But it was cute too.. I continued to listen to there conversation.

"Are you gonna ask Kayla out?"

"I don't know. As I've told you, we just met yesterday. And I don't think she feels the same. Maybe I will but not that fast.. I will in time. Plus she's dealing with a lot right now. I don't wanna pressure her in anything. I'm also nervous in confessing to her in the right time. I might get friend zoned.. *sighs* I won't think about it too much though. I just want to be a great best friend to her because she needs that right now."

"You're right, dude. That's a wise thing to do. She will feel the same in time."

"Thanks, man." 

Those words that Riley said.. they were really sweet and understanding. I have to talk to him but I'm nervous. I don't think I could even do it. I have this weird feeling that I'm barfing but it's still in my mouth (sorry to gross you out) but that's really how nervous I feel. I need a breather.

I decided to go outside for some air and a few minutes to think. I really wanted to talk to him but how would I do that without coffing up barf on him and the other two guys he's with? Oh Lord please help me. *sighs* I'm gonna do it. I'll talk to him. I'm going to pretend to borrow ketchup and pretend that I didn't see Riley and wait for him to notice it's me.

I went back inside the Restauraunt and told Amy my plan. She just agreed with what I had in mind and supporting me. I took a deep breath and turned around to face Riley's table..

"Excuse me. Can I borrow some ketchup?" I said trying not to gulp and sweat.. especially barf.

I didn't look at Riley until he said my name.

"Kayla, Hey. what are you doing here?" He said and gave me the cutes smile and the biggest eyes.

"Eating with Amy.. and doing some shopping. and you, what are you doing here?" I asked. Thank GOD I'm finally okay.

"Eating out with my brothers, Connor and Toby." He said pointing out which was Connor and Toby.

"Oh hi. It's nice to meet you guys." I said as they shook my hand and gave them a warm smile.

"You're right bro. She's really pretty as you said." Toby said and eyed Riley.

I blushed and turned to Riley, who was obviously beet red. He shot daggers at Toby and punched his arm. 

"Owww!" Toby said, clearly loud enough for everyone to hear but we ignored them.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled at Toby.

He was about to smack Toby upside the head but I stopped him by holding his hand.

"Riley can I talk to you? Outside?" I said.

"uh sure. Of course."

We both went outside and again.. I was nervous as hell but I had to push aside the feeling.

"I heard what you said about me to your brothers awhile ago." I said and looked down coz I feel my cheeks burning.

"You did?" He sounded nervous and embarassed.

"yeah it was really sweet, and I kind of like you too but in my current situation, as you said, I only need a best friend right now. Maybe we won't be US anytime soon but maybe in time.. we will." I said and gave him a small smile.

At first he looked quite hurt and disspointed, then he looked up nodded gave me a smile and then hugged me as tight as I hugged him back.

"I'd be the best friend you need. I'm here... always." He whispered in my ears.

We went back inside and continued to finish eating with all of us together. I was sitting next to Riley and Amy and Connor Beside Amy and Toby. I could see that Connor and Amy like each other. They're really cute actually. I like seeing Amy happy.


Was this a good chapter? please, I accpet suggestion and comments :) XX

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