*Day 5*

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Kinsley's POV

I wake up in Ashton's arms, smiling to myself.

He's such a gentleman, and he cares about me, I know it.

I care about him too, for sure.

And I can't help but blush when I notice his arm is still tightly wrapped around my waist and his face is buried in the side of my neck.

I can feel his breath lightly on my collarbones.

"What are you thinking about?" he groans in a husky voice that's pretty hot if you ask me.

"I don't know..you..us."

"Us? what about us?" I can practically hear the smirk on his voice.

"I've never met someone who's cared about me as much as you." I smile.

He wraps his arm tighter around me.

"You haven't?"

"No.." I turn my body in his arms so that I'm facing him.

The close proximity between our faces makes me blush even harder.

He opens his eyes and smiles sleepily.

"I know you don't want to talk about it so I'll just say I'm happy that I mean something to you." he smiles.

"Of course."

He looks at my lips as I say this and I look at his.

it's not a question anymore.

I want to kiss him.

I want to..

He brings his hand up and traces my lips with his thumb, his mouth slightly ajar.

We both start to lean in when something falls off a shelf next to us.

I gasp and we both jump away.

"Ashton." I whisper. "what was that?"

he gets up and cautiously walks around the shelf with a knife in hand.

'stay..' he mouths.

I nod and lean against the wall, closing my eyes and trying to slow my breathing.













"It's just a mouse." he groans from across the room.

"Seriously?" I groan, finally able to breathe again.

10 Days//A.I. (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now