Chapter 14

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Harrys P.O.V

I stood here the place she left me

My first kiss

My first girl

My first love

And she just left me

I now began slowly walking back home

Not even crying just still in shock

Thinking back everything we did

Everything she did for me

Everything I did for her

She was special, I knew that the moment I met her

I arrived at the house and my mum opened the door and immediately hugged me

I was too weak to hug back, She pulled away and kissed my forehead and ran her hand through my hair

I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out

" Harry it's okay, we know"

I saw Robin sitting on the sofa and approached him

" How comes they didn't take you" I asked

" I didn't want to go and I put up a fight for it" He said looking at my mum. Roxy didn't put up a fight

Mum came over and held his hand

" I'm going to sleep" I mumbled turning around and making my way upstairs

"Harry are you okay?" I recognised the soft voice from Gemma and I gave a quick nod and went into my room

I locked the door and zombie walked to my bed

Safely under the covers, I cried

I poured my eyes out from the love my heart had for her

After hours I still couldn't sleep

My mind spinning all about her

Questions about her life that I wanted to ask

Questions about why she left me

Questions about if I'm ever going to see her again

If only she knew how much I wanted her

I should have tried harder

I didn't even do anything as she climbed up that ladder

Her last words spinning in my mind

Haunting me

Is this what heartbreak feels like?

I never want to go through this again

I'm never going to fall this hard for anyone else

It was just her

She was so different in such a good way

All those little things about her that I would notice

I forgot about her leaving

I was too caught up in the moment

Even Robin didn't go

He stayed for my mum

Why couldn't she stay for me?

I revealed my singing to her

I gave her my emotions

And she didn't care

What went wrong?

Fame to Farm (Harry Styles Fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now