Chapter 15

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Roxy P.O.V

I sat in the helicopter thinking about everything that happened

Everything I have to go back to.

I just wanted to be with him. He didn't get to know how much I loved him

My eyes drooped and next thing I saw was a chandelier. I got up and realised someone must've carried me to a hotel. I checked around and they even brought back my belongings.

I let out a sigh and walked over to the fridge for something to eat.

Just as I was about to take a bite of my 10 scoops of mint ice cream someone knocked on the door.

Letting out a frustrated grunt I moved the covers off me and opened the door seeing my manager, Greg. He barged into the room with a folder full of stacks of paper.

"Right so from the delay we missed 7 shows so your going to have to make time for those at the end of the tour, those shows are London, Manchester, Bradford," "STOP" I yelled. He was making my headache worse.

"Can you tak about this later, I wanted to have a little break"

"Darlin' you had your break, FOR A WHOLE WEEK" He shouted with veins popping out his neck. Greg wasn't a guy you wanted to get on his nerves.

"okay...." I said cowardly. He was my manager, I was the one making him money, I shouldn't be scared of him.

" Now your first show is tonight starting at 8 so get on the tour bus at 6 and your new bus driver will be waiting" He carried on but I just zoned out, nodding a few times.

Robin stayed with them

Harry must hate me

I had to live my dream, I needed to do it for Dad and all those fans

Maybe I'll visit someday, I just hope they don't kick me out or anything

Greg left the room and I checked the clock it was already 5 and my icecream had melted

I had a quick shower and picked a average outift (all black of course)

I got my makeup bag out and remembered what Gemma said to me. Nevertheless I applied it heavily making myself look like a rockstar again.

It was 5.58 now and I made my way downstairs with my bags. In the lobby I found my assistants, Wow I feel like I haven't seen them in forever.

They carried my bags for me and I boarded upon my bus going straight to the sofa. I saw a glimpse of the new driver but wasn't bothered to make a go up and make a conversation.

I put in my headphones and listened to a random Iron Maiden song closing my eyes and letting my mind go blank.

Fame to Farm (Harry Styles Fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now