Chapter 9

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I walked up the driveway to reach Zacky's house. I stared at the big house for a moment just taking it in. My head had been hurting for two days straight and the moment was finally here that had been dreading since last night when I got the text from Zacky. I wanted know what he had to tell me and after that text Brian ran out on me. We both promised each other no one would know what happened last night. It would stay between us. We didn't want to face the consequences of our actions even though we didn't actually kiss. I knew I would loose Zacky but he had much more to loose like his friends and the band he loves so much. I broke away from my thoughts and walked straight up to the door and gave it a gentle knock. I didn't wait long until Zacky opened the door. He looked rough like he hadn't slept very well. This made me feel guilty. His jet black hair was all over the place and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Come in." Zacky told me. He moved to the side to make room for me to walk in. I went through the gap and headed straight for the living room. He followed me and we both took a seat on the sofa. "Are you OK?" Zacky questioned.

"I'm fine. Why?" I asked back. Not understanding why he was making small talk.

"You look a bit on edge that's all." He replied.

"Well, I got a text telling me that we need to talk. That's words that nobody wants to hear." I told him and it was true. I was scared he was going to break up with me.

Zacky laughed to himself and relaxed into the sofa. "Well I'm not breaking up with you if that's what you think. I'm not mad about yesterday either. You were right and I was wrong. It's not fair for me to dictate to you who you talk to. I'm not that sort of person Kelly." He said. I sighed with relief. My whole body felt relaxed and calm knowing that it wasn't something bad. I also relaxed back into the sofa and Zacky put his arm around the back of the sofa. I cuddled up close to his body. I never wanted to move. I took in his smell which was a mixture of his aftershave and cigarettes. I felt him playing with my hair, pulling it through his fingers. The moment was perfect but something was missing and I couldn't put my finger on it. He kissed the top of my head as I felt his cold metal snakebites which sent shivers down my spine.

"There still is something we have to talk about though." He said. I got up from Zacky so I could see him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We have been off for two months and it's time that we got back on the road. What I'm trying to say is we have to go back on tour and it's a year long. We leave tomorrow." Zacky broke the news gently.

I fell silent. I didn't know what to say. I always knew in the back of my mind that this day would come but I didn't think it would come this soon. A year was a very long time to be without him. Could we really have a relationship where I never see him? All these questions were running through my head and I couldn't find the actual words to talk to him.

"Kelly. Talk to me." Zacky said and I could tell by his voice his was nervous.

I took a breath to compose myself. "A year?" I managed to get out. I still couldn't get my head around it. That was way too long for a tour surely.

"I know it's a long time that's why I want you to come with me. Will you?" Zacky asked. I was taken a back by what he had just asked me. Could I cope on tour with the guys? I mean living on a tour bus and have all those screaming girls after Zacky. Could I really handle it? I then turned my attention to our relationship and how if we were separated for that long we wouldn't stand a chance being together.

"Yes." I finally said. "I will go with you on tour. Only if that's alright with everyone." I told him. I needed to know if the guys would be OK about it because they don't know me very well yet.

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