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Title: 23:27

Author: Heather Roberts. 

Genre:Romantic suspense. 

Summary: Lilith Rose, lead singer of the popular rock band, United Misfits, is finally pushed past her limit and she can no longer handle the lies, fake relationship, and most importantly the fake persona she is forced to portray. She flees to a rundown hotel to finally tell the truth. Lilith loved Alec, the band's drummer, but she isn't allowed to have him anymore. Almost 2 years and now she has had enough and no longer wants to live this life they have given her. As she signs onto a Facebook Live Chat for the last time and tells the world everything.... their love story... and their break up. Will Alec be able to see the truth behind her words and stop her from ending it all or will he be focused on how she looks and the words themselves?

Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/86594177-23-27

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