Our Skin

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Title: Our Skin. 

Author: unknown2most

Genre: Romance. 

Summary: Beaufort, South Carolina in the old days, 1950s and 1960s was a sharply segregated town blacks and whites always at each other's throats. Both races opposed any movement toward equality. Their behavior in public and private kept Beaufort segregated. The town was split 50/50 blacks had half the town and whites had half. The behavior of a few brave adults and many young people eventually replaced segregation in Beaufort they stood up for each other which led the way for integration in Beaufort schools. Beaufort, South Carolina 2016 the town is no longer divided but people still have there issues racism has not yet disappeared especially at Beaufort high school.

But Gregory Harries can change these issues, moving from Hawaii he's never seen racism but his first day in Beaufort he experiences it. It doesn't help his first day at school he was already crushing on a brown skin girl.

Avery Jones born an raise in Beaufort, South Carolina. Shes knows she beautiful and doesn't need anyone to tell her otherwise. She's seen racism and has experience but it only made are skin thicker and her daddies words stick more "protect your own and only your own"

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