newt || safe

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Newt patiently waited for the guard to disappear before he fitted himself in the vent and crawled all the way to your room.

WICKED never let you see each other, and Newt was having none of it. So for a week now, he's been mapping out the path to your room. It didn't take him long: all the hours in the maze did him good. Minho and Thomas swore to cover for you, being the great friends they were. This was the first time he'd actually reach your room... and you had no idea.

Newt's heart pounded at the sight of you, sleeping alone, looking so vulnerable without him. But his heart threatened to stop at his next discovery.

Your cheeks shined with freshly shed tears. You were shivering from the cold despite your blanket, murmuring unintelligible things in your sleep.

Newt wasted no time. He lifted the blanket off you and slipped in, propping himself on his arm. He pressed his cheek against your forehead and stroked your hair comfortingly. Half-conscious, you gripped his arm and snuggled into the crook of his neck, more tears dancing down your face.

Touch. You craved his warmth, and his sweater didn't stop you. You slid your hand under his sweater and ran your hand along his toned stomach. Your sobs ceased and you hummed contentedly before going silent completely.

Newt heaved out a sigh of relief and finally settled his head on your pillow, looking for positions that would make you most warm before drifting into sleep himself.

You woke up in the arms of a stranger. A familiar stranger. Instinct took over and you shoved the sleeping man away, causing him to wake, a bewildered look on his face. Newt's face.

"Newt! I- what?" your mouth remained open, and he smiled.

"Hello, beautiful..." he wiggled his way closer to you, not realizing how cold he was until his skin found yours.

"How'd you get here?" you asked in a trembling voice.

He kissed you soundly before answering. "You really bloody think Rat Man could stop me from making sure you're okay?"

"No, sir." you smiled teasingly before throwing your arms around his torso. "I freaking missed you, you have no idea."

"Me too, love." Newt placed his hand on your head. "How'd you sleep? You were crying, y'know. Shucking scared me, that."

"I told you..." you hugged him tighter. "I missed you."

"You won't have to for a long while, love. I'll be here. Every single night."

"We don't know that," you whispered. "We don't know what'll happen tomorrow."

Newt shuddered.

"Yeah, but as long as you're in my arms every night, alive and happy... I'll settle for anything Rat Man throws at me."

He kissed your temple and you smiled. Little did you know what fate had for the two of you wasn't in your favor.

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