chapter nine

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It wasn't until the morning I realised I was wearing Jamie's jacket. The leather wrapped around me comforted my fragile body. I finally took it off and went to get a shower. I felt dirty from what I saw the night before. I decided to stay in the shower longer than needed. Trying and failing to wash away the memories. When I finally got out of the shower I wrapped myself in a lilac towel, sat on my bed and decided to drip dry while I checked my messages. The first was from jess.

Omg babe. I'll kill him. He's a dick. I'm gonna come to your house after school I'll bring Hannah.

The second was from parker. My breath hitched in my throat as I opend his message.

Anna, please let me to me I've tried calling you...please answer me...I need to talk to you.

When I noticed I had a final message a smile made its way across my face. It was from Jamie

hey ace...I'm gonna come to your house...your upset you need a friend.

For some reason I didn't like him saying he was my friend. I seemed to want more. My grin although did grow wider when I saw he was coming over. It is Tuesday so I do actually have to got to school. I got dry and dressed and made my way down stairs. After a lot of questioning on my own behalf I decided to wear Jamie's jacket.

He arrived at my door not long latter. Ad I opend the door I saw a smile make its way on to Jamie's face. I looked at him smiling and asked. "What?" He bit his bottom lip and chuckled. "That's my jacket ace" my heart sunk. He clearly wanted it back. "Oh yeh...hear" I begun to unzip the jacket before he placed his hand on mine. "No you keep suits you" I zipped the jacket back up hugging myself internally as we walked to school.

The night before

I let emison in to my house. We had be hanging out all night. I can't actually remember meeting up with her. We just met I guess. Now she claims she wants to see jess. Now we are hear in the hallway and well...we are really close.

The light was on so I prosume jess is home. I finally tear my eyes away from emison and look at the stair case to the right of me. "Jess is probably upstairs" she turned to me and grinned. "Ok...well I really liked hanging out with you tonight" she looks at my lip and bites her own. When she let's her bottom lip slide away from her top tooth I let out a small moan. She's driving me insain.

Dude you can't do anything about it your with Anna...

But what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I ignored my inner voice and pulled emison closer to my chest and put both my hands on her hips. She bites her lip again bit this time she looked me dead in the eyes. "Don't do turns me on" she again bites her lip and smirks at me. I finally close the c
Gap between us. Our lips move together like they always should have.

As the kiss intencifys I hear a small broken female voice come from behind me. Clearly trying to shout. "OI!!!!! Dickhead" I turn to see Anna close to tears. "Anna I..." I was cut off by Anna's fist hitting my nose. As the blood streamed from my nose I heard her scream "were threw!!!!" My body fell to the floor hurt by her words and I clutched my nose. When I pulled myself off the floor I looked straight at emison.

"What the actual fuck emison?!?" She looked at me in clear confusion. "What...I did nothing" I wanted to rip her head off her shoulders. But because of my morals I didn't. "What do you mean you did have been flirting with me all night and now this" I could feel the anger in me rising to my face. I intended to walk away but she pulled me back. "Ok...listen ass wipe...yes I was flirting with you...but it wasn't half hearted you flirted made the move that fucked every thing up...and by the way I did it because jess asked me to...because she didn't want Anna hurt...and she was right to...because ass hat u kissed me...your a dick and a majour one...I mean what sister has to ask one of her friends to flirt with her brother to see if he is serious about his girlfriend...thats fucked up...I think you should be alone...I'm gone"

As she left my house I flew upstairs stormed in my room and slammed the door shut. I flew down on my bed and texted Anna. Not long latter I fell asleep.
So what do you think. Was jess right to do what she did
Let me know in the comments
Thanks for reading
Love you all xoxk

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