chapter twenty three

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Its been a few weeks since we had sex. Now its all i think about. Jamie continuously says little sexual things at me and i actually know how to respond. Weve done 'it' more times than i can count. But lately ive been getting ill. I throw up alot and its starting to worry me. For one simple reason...i should have started my period four days ago. Ive checked my diary and i was suposed to start on the 14th of july. Why havent i come on. I need to talk to hannah. She will know what to do.

I decided to text hannah there and then.

hey hannah i need you to drive me somewhere can you pick me up from jess's house?

im already hear meet me out front.

I didnt even know she was hear but i met her outside the front of the house five minutes latter. "So where are we going?" She asked with curiosity in her voice as we both got in to the car. "The pharmacy" i looked at her and sighed "i think i might be pregnant". She looked at me completly dumbfounded. "What your nineteen how is this possible?" "Erm i slept with jamie" "well i gatherd that come on babe lets go get it and whatever happens im hear for you" "thanks han now lets go"

When we arived we decided its best if i go in and get them on my own. Walking in to that store was the worst and best thing that could ever happen to me. I walked strait to the makeup isle and at the end lay the pregnancy tests. I picked up three of the tests because i want to be sure. Luckily the pharmacy was mainly empty. I walked over to the counter and placed the tests down. The cashire gave me a verry starange look. "All three?" "Yes not that its any of your buisness" the girl rolled her eyes at me. She scanned the items and i practically threw the money at her and ran back to hannahs car.

I flung the door open and threw the boxes in to her lap. "Why did you get three?" "I want to be sure" "oh right ok well lets go". When we get back id already taken all three sticks out the boxes and put them in my bra. I placed the boxes in the back seat and went straight inside heading for my secret bathroom.

Hannah followed close behind and came in to the bathroom with me. " wait before you do it...what if its posotive what will you do?" "I dont know yet...wait until i tell jamie" "ok...go"

I turned on the toilet and peed one one stick at a time. All three sat on the windowsill waiting to change. Hannah took me in to her arms as we waited for the sticks to decide my future. Two minutes finally passed and we both made our way towards the windowsill. All three sticks read the same thing...posotive. "Im pregnant...oh my god im pregnant". I clutched my stomach and fell to the floor. In that moment i felt phisically sick.

Hannah looked at my stomach then back at me. "You have to tell jamie". I took hold of all three sticks and put them in my bra. Shes right i do have to tell jamie...but what will he say. "We need to go to the doctor i need to find out how far in i am". As soon as i said that hannah took out her phone. "Im making you an appointment but right now you need to go and find jamie ok now go".

I left hannah to talk on the phone in the bathroom as i went to go and find jamie. I eventually found him in the kitchen. "Jamie" i said looking strait at him. "We need to talk" "ermm ace a guy never wants to hear that...please dont break up with me" "oh baby im not...but we really need to talk"

He stood up and left the kitchen. He walked me through to the front room and sat down on the couch. He rested his hands on his lap as i began to pace the room. The news was only just sinking in for me how the hell was he gonna take it. Ok but i had him hear now. Now was the time to tell him.
Ok so the next few chapters are gonna be like were talking about the main parts of life with her beeing pregnant and everything. Ive almost finished the book now part 24 of 36 god even im exited.
Hope your liking it
Love you all xoxo

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