chapter thirty three

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The day finally came around. It's been a year since I gave birth to my beautiful three baby's. There growing up so fast.  I spent a crap load of money on them. After all this was their first birthday. I also got drinks for the adults that were to be taken out when the kids were in bed. The kids were all walking and jasmine finally said her first word.  She said dada.

I woke that morning and walked in to the kids room.  They were awake and jumping around ready to get out of bed. I pulled them out one by one and dressed them in their new clothes.  Enzo wore a little black tux suit,  jasmine wore a little white dress with a navy blue ribbon and Lilly wore a navy blue dress with a white ribbon. They all looked so cute. Lilly's brown hair fell beside her face strait as ever.  Jasmine and Enzo had matching blonde hair but jasmines fell in curles at the side of her face.

All my baby's looked so adorable in their outfits.  Their first birthday will never be forgotten. They all looked so good. I took all three of them and placed them on my lap. I wasn't happy with them walking down the stairs so I sat them on my lap and slid down.

When I hit the bottom step they hopped off my lap and ran in to the dining room. I walked in not long after them and saw everyone's faces lit in awe. Hannah walked up to me trying not to step on the kids. "Anna babe the kids look so cute where did you find those outfits". "aww thanks they were in a kids store...i saw them and loved them so I bought them".

All evening the guys were complimenting me on the kids outfits.  They seemed to love the house and all the presents they got. There was a mountain of dolls, horses,  and race cars almost hitting the roof. Their childhood is set.  I don't have to buy them anything for the next five years. They haven't even taken half of them out of the box.

It was about eleven in the evening and I hadn't drank anything.  Neither had Jamie so we were both asked to do things like hold hair back and keep people in the house. After spending most of the night stopping people from puking Hannah approached me. "hey babe can your go to the shop were running out of coke and stuff pleaseee babe?" "yeh sure".

I grabbed the car keys and was about to leave when Jamie came up behind  me. "hey ace where u goin?". "hey babe I'm just going to the store to get more stuff I'll be back soon". "I'll come with you" "what about the kids?" "parker isn't drunk he will take care of it gives is chance to talk about the wedding" "okay yeh sure hurry up and tell parker were leaving"

We both left the house and got in to the car at the bottom of the driveway.  It turns out I picked up the wrong set of car keys. After about five minutes we decided we were having a black and white wedding.

While we were in the store we kept seeing food we could have at the wedding. We stood taking the piss out of some food names and others looked so good we had to buy them. We ended up with Pringles, chocolate cake, pizza, chicken in garlic sauce and ice cream. Once we paid for the food we headed back to the car. We had all the food we needed and spoons so we could eat the ice cream in the front seat. Now it was time to go home and feed all the drunk people.

Great now I'm hungry. Good thing my mum just said food is ready. I'll upload the last two chapters today.  I hope u liked the story

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