54: Shima!!!

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*fast forward to the afternoon at 2 o clock cause I'm lazy like that*

I went to the therapist. So did Pandora and Dolan. Hellbent wasn't there. I didn't expect him to. I went into the room. It wasn't very bright. White chairs, black swivel chair, purple chaise and blue walls. There was candles on the desk. I nodded him to indicate hi. He stared at me. "Have a seat" he commanded in a serious tone. I sat down. "Talk" he directed. "So... I know this guy...you probably do to, as he's coming in next... anyway, he's extremely good looking but he's gay and I know that but I'm trying to convert from Gayness to Straightness... anyway, his gay buddy doesn't approve me, I see why. Does that make me a bad person?" I gabble in a breathe. He doesn't answer. He writes down all this on his clipboard. "Come back, same time, same place, next week" he replies. I get up out the chaise and walk out, slamming the door on the way.

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