Chapter 3 (The Awakening)

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       Simon and the villagers managed to find a place to set up camp, it was in an old temple that had to be about 2000 years old. It had been about a day and the defenders had a base of operations set up, they had a command centre and everything except the residents. Simon spent a lot of the time trying to lead the defenders and help them keep focused. But he was dealing with the guilt of leaving Cesar alone.

      "Has Cesar returned," Simon asked Nari.
      "No, we are sending what is left of our airforce to get a birds eye view of the area," replied Nari.
      "Here, take this," said Simon handing Nari a weird looking weapon. "It's something Cesar used a few times, it sits over your wrist and fires arrows."
       "I didn't think anything like this could be invented," said Nari.
       "It was Cesar's, he used it for special missions,"
       "I will do what I can to find him," said Nari.

       Nari got on her Aradorn and gathered three other men to find Cesar with her.

       "Here, take this too," said Simon throwing her a bow and a quiver with a bunch of arrows in it.

       Nari nodded and flew out towards the village. She didn't know what might be there and if Cesar was alive.


       "Anything yet?" Asked Sorin (a great defender of the village).
       Nari continued to look around, but nothing was down there.
       "No, we should check the village for supplies before we head back," said Nari.

       Nari looked down at the village as they flew over it, she saw Cesar. He was lying on the ground next to a dead body of a woman. Nari didn't know who she was or why she was dead, all she knew, was that her mission was to find Cesar no matter what.

       "Sorin, head back to camp, get Simon to bring everyone. Tell him the village is safe," ordered Nari.

       Sorin nodded and flew back to camp. In the meantime, Nari focused on nursing Cesar back to health. There was a potion that Borial had made to heal wounds quickly and prevent scaring. Cesar's eyes opened slowly, he then grabbed Nari by the throat, his vision was fuzzy and he didn't know who she was.

       "Cesar," Nari said gasping for air. "I............ can't....................breathe."

       Cesar dropped her and his vision became clearer.

       "Sorry, I couldn't see and I thought you were someone trying to kill me," said Cesar.
       "Next time I will tie you down when I have to operate again," said Nari getting back to her feet and continuing on reading the recipe for the potion.
       "Don't give me the potion," said Cesar.
       "Scared tissue, isn't something you want, sometimes it takes many years to heal, sometimes it never heals," said Nari.
       "I want the scar as a reminder, a reminder to never let someone kill a person I care about again," said Cesar.

       Nari put the recipe down and made it up anyway.

       "I don't want to see you have a scar from the death of someone you care about," she said poring the potion on Cesar's chest.

       The potion made a sizzling sound as it rapidly healed Cesar's wound. Nari walked over to the workbench and grabbed a piece of metal from Victors sword that was in Cesar's chest. She made a hole into part of it and made a necklace.

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