Chapter 5 (Re-assembled)

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       Sorin, Borial and Cesar dropped off the alpha and landed in the village, as they landed the mayor greeted them, and told them of the dangers in the wastelands. But Cesar knew what he was doing, he knew how to end the conflict once and for all, he just didn't know if he could survive.

       "Are we prepared for evacuation," asked Alakas walking quickly towards them.
       "Almost, get the auxiliary fighters prepared to hold them off while we escape," ordered Cesar.
       "Yes my lord, I will help them," said Alakas walking away.
       "Alakas," yelled Cesar, Alakas turned around and looked at him. "Be safe."
       "You worry about the people not me," said Alakas running to the auxiliary fighters.

       The mayor looked down at his dagger, it was the dagger that signified his allegiance to the defenders. He knew that if his village fell, the dagger would fall with it, he glared at Borial and handed the dagger to him, he shut his eyes for a few seconds and then laughed.

        "Use this dagger to end the conflict, you are a better fighter then me," said Mayor Kalu.
"Are you giving up, just like that, all because the buildings are going to be burned to the ground," said Cesar.
"No my time has come, it's time I die a heroes death, get the auxiliary fighters away, they will not win," ordered Mayor Kalu.
"Fine, take this," said Borial handing him the dagger. "You must die a mayor."
Mayor Kalu nodded and ran towards the soldiers just starting to get off the boats. Cesar and the rest of the village ran towards the back of the island to get to the ships.

King Victor and his second in command exited the ships and started raiding the island, but what they didn't know was that someone was doing the exact same, someone was looking like they belonged. Mayor Kalu marched with the enemy wearing there armour and "raiding" the village. He walked up to King Victor with the dagger ready to stop the conflict and kill there leader but Victor turned around looking at the dagger half unsheathed.

"Ahhhh you found The Dagger of Gods, this dagger is the key to the portal to Hurran the place of the Gods," said Victor grabbing the dagger and inspecting it.
"Ohh right, that thing, so what are you planning with it," asked Kalu.
"Open the portal and go make myself unbeatable," said Victor.
"Aren't you already unbeatable, you defeated the great Cesar, leader of the defenders," said Kalu.
"No it's been prophesied by our alpha that we will both die in battle, to the hands of each other," said Victor.
"So your looking for eternal life," asked Kalu.
"Yes, now get back to work!" yelled Victor.

Victor closed his eyes, he could sense a presence that was extremely strong. He recognised it, he could feel it becoming stronger and stronger, he could hear wings flapping slowly like a giant lumbering beast flying in towards its prey. He looked up to see a body dropped down in the centre of the plaza. He examined the body to find that it was someone he knew, someone who he never thought he would see again. He threw water over the body's head.

Simon woke up looking at Victor and then looking at an alpha Aradorn land next to him, he couldn't believe that he was going to be held captive. He attempted to get up but was slammed down by Kalu. Simon looked at Kalu with a shocked expression, he thought he was dreaming but then it all became real. He remembered the claws, he remembered being carried away looking at Cesar's alpha fall to its death and then soon blacking out.

Victor continued staring at him, the stare was deep and Simon could see the emotion just in his eyes. He saw a man with great darkness and great fear. He saw a man who had a lust for power and he saw a man who wanted to watch the world burn.

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