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If this lil niggah kick one more time.

I walked from the bathroom to the bed room.

I didn't really feel right in my spirit or in general.

My stomach kind of hurt. And whichever baby is kicking didn't really help.

I rubbed my huge stomach.

I'm about as big as a house and I'm about 5 months along.

One of my babies keeps freaking kicking me.

I laid in the bed and was pulled instantly into Elijah's chest.

"Goodnight babies"

" Goodnight." I rolled on my side and fell asleep.


I rushed to the bathroom as my stomach churned.

I threw up as soon as I reached the toilet.

My arms felt weak as I emptied my stomach into the toilet.

I heard a gasp and felt my eyes flutter close.

" BABY BABY WHAT IS THIS WHAT THE F*CK DOES THIS MEAN. RYKER!! DENISE!! Oh my baby. " Elijah rushed in the bathroom as I looked at him with heavy eyes.

" What are you talking about. "

" Your bleeding. " He whimpered. I looked at my arms and hands.

I looked down the rest of my body when I saw the blood on my legs.

" Shit!!!!! Grab my bag. " Ryker picked me up as Elijah got the stuff I told him to get. We rushed through the house and to Rykers SUV.

We ran every red light and sped over every speed limit.

We arrived at the hospital and got out.

" We need help!! Please!! "Nurses rushed out with a gurney helping me on.

They rushed Me back as I kissed my hand and waved at my family.

I just looked up at the lights as they pasted over my head and down the hall.

They spoke but I heard nothing. I didn't really feel like I was here.

I closed my eyes.

My body jumped and I opened my eyes to find myself back in my room.

" What, what the hell. "

Elijah walked into the room sweat glistening on his naked upper half letting me know he either went running or to the gym.

" Baby why are you sweating more than me and I was the one who ran 3 miles. "

I rolled over onto my side attempting to get up.

" ah alittle help over here. " He rushed over and pulled me up.

I Pressed against his chest. Well my belly anyway.

" Better put all this chocolate away, mama hasn't had any in awhile. "

He slapped my butt as I turned away.

" She can get some any time. "

I was heading to the kitchen to get something to eat cause let's face it.

I could eat a horse and be hungry six minutes later.

I attempted to grab a sub from the bottom of the fridge.

" If this ain't the most frustrating thing. " Just then Ryker came in probably looking for Denise's snack also.

" Need help pumpkin? "He grabbed the sub and gave me a peck on the top of my head. 

He walked back into the room with a fruit smoothie.

I hummed as I walked back into the room after I finished my sub.

The shower was running as I laid on my side on the bed.

I felt the babies shift and felt the sudden urge to pee.

" great. " I walked into the bathroom as he was taking his shower.

I finished and got ready to leave.

I guess he didn't hear me as he stepped out slowly.

He grabbed his towel and dried off slowly Humming to himself.

My eyes watched his every movement.

His back muscles were taunt as I peered at him. 

" BABY??" I slightly jumped as he hollered for me still not knowing I was there.

He pulled on his boxers.

" Y-yes "

He slowly turned around.

" Did you enjoy the show baby girl?"

He walked towards me slowly as I bit my lip and looked up at him.

" Yes. " He hoisted me up by my armpits.

" Imma be so happy when you give birth. "

" Why so you can knock me up again?"

" Partly. " He winked at me as he bent down to kiss me.

I followed him out the bathroom.

I walked into Denise's room to see her laying there groaning about her back hurting and her legs and blah blah blah.

" Why are you in here?" She spit.

I walked back out, not really feeling like dealing with her and her mood swings.

I sat on the couch turning on a rerun of bring it.

I laughed as Coach D started yelling about the twins not being able to do anything.

I rolled onto my side and felt my eyes drift close not before my stomach growled.

" Son of a BISCUT!"


" SHUT YOUR F*CKING DOOR AND YOUR MOUTH. " I heard creaking letting me know that she was getting off the bed.

" Who the hell you think you talking too?"

" You. " She stood over me.

Elijah came running out our room.

" Woah Woah Woah ladies, let's calm down. "

Denise muttered as she stormed away, slamming her door in the process.

" Let's get you to bed. " He picked me up and carried me to our bed.

The second my head hit the pillow my babies started kicking.

" I quit. " he started to laugh.

I swung back trying to hit him.

I connected with something soft and heard his slight whimper.

I looked back to see him clutching his baby maker.

" I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. "

I climbed over him and straddled hid waist.

I grabbed his arms yanking his hands away and pinning them by his shoulders.

" I'm sorry. " I kissed his shoulders traveling up to his neck then face.

I peppered kisses and finally landed one on his mouth.

I began pulling away before he deepen it.

" Why are you so wet?"

" What?"  I looked down to see a puddle under me.


To be continued.....

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