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a/n: i've made jimin taller than yoongi.

jungkook, taehyung and jimin decided to go to the library, since jungkook had been informed that yoongi was still there.

taehyung and jimin were nervous. after all, from what jungkook had told them, his boyfriend probably had muscles, was as short as jimin and probably came home with cuts and bruises, from gang fights obviously.

"what if he get's mad at us?" jimin whispered to taehyung. taehyung looked at him with confusion.

"what? for coming with jungkook?" he asked, voice as quite as jimin's. "no, for checking his height. plus, this will be our first time meeting him!" jimin said, and taehyung smiled at him wearily.

"you only live once, jiminie." taehyung said, voice cracking multiple times as he spoke.

"yoongi!" jungkook called out, ignoring the glares he was getting from the old lady who was searching for a book.

jungkook got no response, and taehyung smiled with relief, maybe yoongi had already left.

"oh!" jungkook said, amused. jungkook was in the kids corner now, and was met with a sleeping yoongi, many picture books on the floor and a picture book in his hand.

taehyung and jimin looked at each other startled, he wasn't what they had imagined.

he was skinny, had legs that were better than taeyeon's, porecelain smooth skin and dark, long eyelashes that adorned his cat like eyes. also, he was much smaller than they had imagined.

a small giggle from jungkook brought both of the older boys back to reality, and jimin smiled when jungkook woke up yoongi.

"jungkook!" he said, voice rough.

"yoongi!" jungkook said, before pressing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"how come you're here?" yoongi asked nervously, not prepared for a situation like this. he wasn't sure what he was going to say about him reading picture books, and that too, in the kids corner.

"jimin and tae wanted to meet you!" he exclaimed, and grabbed taehyung's arm, ignoring how taehyung's grip on jimin's arm tightened. they were now standing awkwardly in front of the mint haired boy.

yoongi stood up, and smiled a gummy smile, which had taehyung grinning back. okay, so maybe he really wasn't what they had expected.

"i'm min yoongi, jungkook's boyfriend." yoongi spoke, voice clear and not as rough as before. taehyung motioned for jimin to speak, so jimin did, praying he wouldn't have a voice crack.

"park jimin, jungkook's friend." jimin said, shaking yoongi's hand. "kim taehyung, or tae. jungkook's best friend." taehyung said, voice much more deeper than yoongi imagined.

"okay, so yoongi and jimin, both of you, take off your shoes." jungkook instructed, and yoongi looked confused. "why?" yoongi asked, and jungkook smiled his usual bunny smile.

"we want to see if jimin is taller than you." jungkook explained, and yoongi groaned. "why?" he moaned, but took off his shoes, leaving him in his favourite kumamon socks. "nice socks!" taehyung teased, laughing when yoongi's cheeks turned red.

"okay, so, stand with your backs facing each other." taehyung said.

a loud gasp filled yoongi's ears.

"oh my god! jimin is taller!" jungkook squealed. jimin smiled, because he was finally taller than one of his friends.

"you're so much cuter than i imagined!" taehyung cooed, squeezing yoongi's soft cheeks. "i'm not cute!" yoongi fought back, quickly running towards jungkook, hiding behind him.

"are we friends now?" taehyung asked, looking over jungkook's shoulder. yoongi rolled his eyes.

"yeah, we are now." yoongi said. "well then do you know what that means?" jimin asked, grinning sheepishly. "what?" yoongi asked.

"that we get to pamper you!" taehyung said, chasing yoongi. soon, he had yoongi in his arms, who was looking over at jungkook desperately.

"kookie, please help!" yoongi said, trying to escape taehyung's death grip.

"nah, don't really feel like it." jungkook said, and yoongi looked at him with disbelief.

"sorry about taehyung, but he had got you some bath bombs as a gift. in return, he wanted your number." jimin said, and taehyung released yoongi.

yoongi smiled, and looked over at taehyung, who was now clinging to jungkook.

"thank you!" yoongi said, and taehyung smiled. "so, can jiminie and i have your number?" taehyung asked, hope laced in his voice. yoongi laughed.

"sure." he replied, quickly adding his number in their phones.

jungkook smiled, "do you guys wanna go to the mall?" he asked, looking over at yoongi who was currently busy putting back his picture books. "yeah!" jimin said, and soon they were in jungkook's car.

taehyung refused to let anyone sit in the passenger seat, and now, jimin, taehyung and yoongi were seated in the back row. "yoongi can sit in the middle!" taehyung said, smiling at yoongi when the older boy glared at him.

before they knew it, they had arrived at the mall. luckily, it wasn't that busy.

yoongi looked a bit lost, and taehyung linked arms with him. "haven't you been here before?" he asked, ignoring the looks of jealously jungkook was giving him.

"no, i usually do online shopping." yoongi stated, and jimin suddenly joined their conversation. "jungkook does a lot of online shopping too!" he exclaimed, watching as jungkook slowly inched closer to yoongi as they walked to the mall entrance.

after jungkook gently tapped taehyung's shoulder, and gave him that look, taehyung got the hint and moved to jimin, letting jungkook snake an arm around yoongi's slim waist.

yoongi was surprised, but continued to walk with them. within minutes, they were in the mall and instead of getting looks of disgust, people looked at them fondly, because one of them was tall and one of them was smol.

"i'm actually jealous." jimin said, looking at them with such fondness, that taehyung felt like he would puke. "i know right, they're like goals right now." taehyung whined.

a blush crept onto yoongi's cheeks, and jungkook tightned his grip. "so, clothes shopping?" jimin asked, looking towards a shop, filled with sweaters and many other things.

jungkook smiled. "shopping time!"

a/n: thank you for all of your comments and votes! how are you all? no one actually replies to my questions. guess what? okay, thanks for guessing but this chapter nearly got deleted because my laptop restarted suddenly but thank bts it wasn't. please keep healthy! the creepiest thing happened omg, so my mum and grandma went for a walk at like freaking 9pm and then they see someone drop off a girl around 1.56m tall. so they continue walking and see her walking alongside the other houses. suddenly, she's sprinting into our driveway we share with our cousins. my mum and grandma walk fast towards our house bc it was just my siblings and my granddad at home. they come and see that she's not anywhere here and say that she never came outside our driveway and oH YMG OD IT WAS SCARY ASF and then my aunty and grandma looked outside our houses and everything.

FUCKKK that was so scary.

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