Crona x Maka

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The bell rang, dismissing class.

"Don't forget to do your homework." Stein projected. "I'm talking to you, Black Star...and Soul."

Soul stopped walking and snapped his head to Stein. "Hey, what are you talking about!?"

"Calm down, Soul." Maka says smoothly. "He's just messing around with you."

"He's always teasing me, Maka." Soul groans.

Maka looked to the other side of her where Crona stood next to her. "Let's go."

Crona nodded. He couldn't help but notice Maka's exhaustion. With school, training, and housekeeping to juggle, dealing with Soul's attitude was another thing weighing her down.

Crona smiled gently. "H-hey, Maka?"

Maka looks at him. "Yes?"

"D-do you w-wanna go get some ice cream?" He mutters.

Maka's eyes shined. "I'd love to, Crona!"

Soul overhead Crona's question and walked over to him and Maka. "Sorry, Crona, maybe another time. Maka and I have things to do."

Crona's smile shattered and he looked at Maka.

Maka frowned and crossed her arms. "I've already done enough chores this week. Most of those chores were yours anyways, Soul. I'm getting ice cream."

Soul sighed. "Totally uncool."

Watching Soul walk off, Crona looked back at Maka.

Before he could say a word, Maka cut him off. "I'm sorry about him. He can be irritating on his bad days."

"He seems to be b-bothering you a everything o-okay?" Crona asks.

Maka nods. "Of course. Soul just has his bad days. We all do...I'm just used to it."

Crona clenched his fists. "But he shouldn't treat you like that, Maka!"

"He's fine. Don't worry too much." Maka sighs. "Anyways, thank you for inviting me to get ice cream. I've wanted to hang out with you but I've just been busy..."

"It's okay, Maka." Crona smiles a little. "I thought getting ice cream would help us catch up, you know?"

"Of course." Maka nods. "I'm really excited to go with you, Crona."

Crona blushes slightly. "M-me too."

Maka pulls on Crona's hand and smiles. "Let's go!"

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