Black Star x Tsubaki

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Black Star noticed Tsubaki at her locker and decided to stop by to talk to her.

"Hiya, Tsubaki!" Black Star grinned.

"Hi, Black Star..." Tsubaki mumbled.

Her face was hidden behind her locker door, and she wouldn't look at her meister.

"You don't sound happy. What's wrong?" Black Star asked.

"I-I'm fine, Black Star, don't worry about me." Tsubaki sniffled.

"You really expect me to believe that?" Black Star laughs and shoves the door out of the way.

His smile turned into a frown as he saw Tsubaki's face wet with tears and her eye was black and swollen.

"What the hell happened!?" Black Star put his hand on her cheek softly.

Tsubaki hugged him tightly and started to bawl into his shoulder. "S-some asshole told me that I wasn't a good weapon and I should just be a waitress at a local I hit him. Then he got mad and he punched me and called me a bunch of bad names.."

Black Star hugged her back tightly. "Who did it...? I'll kill him!"

"It doesn't matter who it was...just please comfort me, Black Star..." Tsubaki mumbled.

Black Star kissed the top of her head. "I'm here, Tsubaki."

Tsubaki cried into his shoulder. "Can we go home?"

"Yes of course." Black Star nods, holding her tight.

~At their apartment~

Black Star placed a rag soaked with cold water on Tsubaki's black eye and stroked her cheek. "My poor babe..."

Tsubaki sniffed. "It's're here now and that's all I want."

Black Star followed Tsubaki to the couch and laid down next to her, kissing her cheek. "You should rest."

Tsubaki nods and closes her eyes, holding Black Star's hand.

Black Star gripped her hand tight and held her as close as he possibly could.

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