Kid x Maka

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The bell rang, ending yet another day at the DWMA.

Kid looked over on the other side of the classroom at Maka, who was packing up her books and talking with her weapon, Soul.

Liz and Patty couldn't help but notice Kid was staring at Maka.

"So I see our little Kid has a crush?" Liz smirks.

"So cute, Kid!!" Patty claps.

Kid panicked and turned around to face them. "W-what!? I do not!"

"Don't lie to yourself, Kid. It's pretty obvious." Liz laughs.

Kid sighs. "Fine. I do. Maka's just so perfect. She's smart, beautiful, and perfectly symmetrical!"

"Seriously?" Liz sighs while Patty giggled.

Kid turned back around. Soul said something to Maka and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, Kid! Now's your chance!" Liz whispered into Kid's ear. "Ask her out on a date at the library."

"Aaahhh I'm so nervous!" Kid panicked.

"Make her a paper giraffe!" Patty grins.

Kid shakes his head. "No, Patty."

"Aww." Patty frowns.

"Wait! I have an idea." Kid smiles.

"Go for it!" Liz says. "It looks like she's about to leave!"

Kid takes a deep breath and walks over to Maka. "Hey, Maka."

Maka looks up at him and smiles cheerfully. "Oh, hi, Kid!"

"Maka, I have something to ask you." Kid softly said.

Maka nods. "Ask away."

"Would you like to study with me at my house tonight?" Kid blushed.

From the other side of the room, Liz slapped her forehead. "Really? That was his idea?"

But Maka smiled. "Yes I'd love to!"

Kid smiled. "Awesome! See you at 7?"

"Definitely!" Maka nods.

"See you then!" Kid turns around. "Liz, Patty, we have to go."

Patty followed Kid out of the room while Liz stopped in front of Maka.

Maka chuckled. "Smooth like butter, but doesn't he know there's no test to study for?"

Liz laughs. "Don't tell him that."

Maka smiles warmly. "This will be the best study session ever."

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